Hat Papa die erlaubt weiter auf dem Hof zu helfen? Spaß, Glückwunsch Philtauros
Hat Papa die erlaubt weiter auf dem Hof zu helfen? Spaß, Glückwunsch Philtauros
I honestly don’t think 4 men could hold him back if he wanted to go
I have no idea, but maybe I can help your mind find rest.
I am imagining her in a in-person class, standing in front of 20 participants. Now, if she were to do the steps in both directions, she would need double the padding around the margins in terms of space. So about 2 metres free space to the left and the right. Doing the steps only on one direction, would let her use her studio space more efficiently.
Mexico already are the United States of Mexico…?
Ja, echte Gs wissen noch wie man gscheit mit Krampfarstöckl oder Pilatuswurz abschmeckt.
And thou shalt count to three. Three is the number thou shalt count to. Four, thou shalt not count to, neither two shalt thou count to. Five is right out.
Tuts, does your husband know you’re out of the house?
I’ve never had that happen all my life. I’ve never even heard from a friend where such a thing would happen.
Did you drop your phone on the jack with a cable inside?
They’re choosing which football club they’ll buy, Paris or Barcelona
Ich dachte die ganze Zeit, das wäre YVNG ANGIE??!
I know it’s a joke and all, but this really does a disservice to native Inuit / Inuktitut technology.
An igloo can have a fire inside and be very comfortable.
But I don’t want to be too strict with this comic, since it also misrepresents how cooling technology works in a fridge, so equality, I guess.
It can be doubly good, but it can also be that the effects of lowering costs will show up later.
A hypothetical:
Let’s say, I want to further animal wellbeing and pass a law, that every pig has to have X amount of space. Now, all my farmers are at a global market disadvantage. Consequently, they will close shop, I will import pork from other unregulated countries. The pigs are still cramped somewhere else, I have destroyed my farming sector and my food security.
That’s why I can support some tariffs for essentials industries
Remember Krillin Vs the Terrible Bacterian
You’re so right! (`ლ`)
simple as