Reddit refugee. Lover of shiny things. Owned by 3 cats, 2 frogs, and too many goldfish.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • you’re not wrong. I feel brow beaten but that’s really because politically I have no idea where I stand anymore. I’d probably take it less to heart if I was more firm on my own views. I may seem to tapdance a little around the issues trying to be thoughtful of other people’s opinions. thank you for your thorough and kind insight. I have previously kept my opinions to myself but l am trying to grow as a person and that means engaging in meaningful discourse.

  • let me start by acknowledging that I merely wanted to express that it’s not just “extreme right buffoonery” that’s a problem. to claim that there is no such thing as “extreme left
    buffoonery” is misleading.

    my comment clearly stated that the extremes on both ends are to be despised. politics is a game I don’t wish to be judged on because I’m seriously apolitical. we do need to meet in the middle. I’m not saying we need to forgive the “buffoonery” but cut out the rotten fruit and make a fucking jam. ideals are not arbitrary in any way. our ideals are built through life experience. I’m seeing a whole lot of each side trying to dehumanize the other for not agreeing with their politics. The “right” has rational, reasonable, kind humans who believe in human rights. but the fact that they may have a stance on the nanny state that the country is becoming somehow makes everyone who’s not a professed Democrat evil.

    regarding hate speech, frankly I’ve experienced more than my fair share. but that doesn’t count, right?