or alternatively, and hear me out here
lecture me on fucking grammar again like a mediocre grade school teacher and get banned
or alternatively, and hear me out here
lecture me on fucking grammar again like a mediocre grade school teacher and get banned
wow! imagine if this post was funny, informative, or even fucking correct at all
I notice you didn’t give an example of the title with appositive commas though. maybe because it flows like shit?
,ahahaha, what,
holy fuck what an embarrassing post
You’re giving “David,” and I doubt very much you’re personally familiar with him, credit where it isn’t due.
hey “David”, this fucking weirdo goldbug gold stockpiling enthusiast says we don’t know you
anyway, I had to dig through way too many of your unending awful posts (please log the fuck off) to find out that the reason why you’re in here posting about gold is because you’re into the other thing weirdo ancaps love:
Of course, BitCoin is doing better than ever, and it will continue to rise while Russia is under sanctions and drives demand.
Unless you do what they call a “rookie move” and don’t keep a personal wallet.
so how about you fuck off out of buttcoin
oh do fuck off
my racist uncle who says he works for nintendo, hates video games, and consistently can’t program his microwave didn’t mention there’d be a new metroid game so it’s doubtful they’re still making them
So I’m shutting it down.
oh precious
you should’ve stayed in the other thread
once upon a time a guy named paully sucked at lisp, but most people couldn’t tell so they figured he must be good at it
then he made a website that was an ugly orange color, and everyone assumed it was ugly on purpose even though every web site paully makes is ugly and barely functions under load
then paully implemented moderation structures on the orange site that both cloak and enable discrimination and bullying, and everyone figured that couldn’t be correct because the orange site said it had good moderation
and now paully’s godawful startup accelerator is run by openly fascist little freaks and all it does anymore is AI, but the orange site says it’s prestigious and not at all a multi-layered affinity grift
the moral of the story is fuck paul graham
yeah, apparently you’re missing all of the comments
The phoronix screenshot is the only one that contains open trans hate, though
Pretty much proves that it is the „anime alter ego” of the guy. My god, the times we live in.
and if you think the orange site is at all safe for trans people, that tells me everything I need to know
Yeah classic attention seeking behaviour. Just say you’re stopping work on it for personal reasons, or give details. The only reason to tease gossip like this is because you like the drama.
hey fucker I found one of those toxic posts you don’t seem to be able to see
jesus fuck
it’s not particularly gonna help or even make me feel better, but I’m probably gonna reopen that first Lemmy thread a little later and just start banning these awful fuckers from our instance. nobody attacking Asahi has a god damn thing to say to any member of our community.
yep, your second attempt’s still a fashy dad quip about art and it’s still as funny as the grave. you haven’t produced anything with the subjective value of even terrible art, and I think it’s about time you stop trying
You: literally splatters shitty posts into a thread
”Why am I being downvoted”
I vaguely remember that one of the articles talking about the physics forum mentioned it happening elsewhere, but I haven’t dug into it myself. it might just be one or two shitty admins doing this, but I suspect (without evidence, I just can’t think of another reason to do it) there’s some party offering a financial incentive for them to go back and fuck up their old forums
I think you’re absolutely correct, and this feels to me like the only reason why we’re seeing some of the bizarre shit we’ve been keeping an eye on:
I keep stopping myself from doing this exact project, with the fediverse as the curation source, several times. I’ve talked about this before, but interestingly Postgres’ full-text search is effectively the complete core of a search engine, minus what you’d need for crawling and ranking (which is where curation and a bit of scripting would come in)
other than resources and time, one big open question is how to do this kind of thing as a positive part of the fediverse — to not make the same mistake that a bunch of techbros already have and index the fediverse without consent. how does one make the curation process simultaneously consensual and also automated enough that it can be reasonably ruggedized against abuse?
The philosophy is: your content is what matters, everything else is a bonus. Put in effort, not money. We’re making punk rock here. I did fanzines in the ’80s and books in the 2010s on the same principles.
this is brilliant, and it’s worth keeping in mind for anything independently produced or self-hosted. for our instance’s infrastructure, I do as much as I can with what we’ve got before I increase our monthly bill, and with proper planning you can make the compute you’ve got stretch to handle a lot more requests and users than you might think from modern cloud doctrine, which is built around throwing money at your problems.
to return to the subject of media production, it’s very easy to spend money and damn yourself into spending more later: an expensive microphone might need an XLR soundboard or newer audio computer to work well, the expensive video editor likely comes with a subscription fee or paid upgrades, and so on. it’s unwise to start out by splurging, because working on the style and content of what you’re producing will get you better results for much cheaper, and you won’t trap yourself into paying more than anticipated.
Export at 720p as “MP4 (H.264 va).” I could go to 1080p, but this is a talking head show and you don’t need my nose hairs that sharp.
this is an excellent point too, and it’s something that’s easy to forget just viewing videos. as a viewer, I usually want 4k if it’s available but will go down to 1080p or 720p if bandwidth’s a concern. for production: chances are 720p’s more than enough to start with, especially for YouTube, and it needs a whole lot less in terms of resources and attention to detail to look good than 1080p or especially 4k.
hahaha yeah nah this ain’t it
but while you’re briefly still here, you know what really helped me when I was 13 and still an absolute shithead about what I was led to believe was the one true proper english, to the detriment of my ability to write with tone and feeling?
I read achewood and I finally understood how to write with texture
anyway you won’t take this advice because you’re the type who gets off on incorrecting someone else’s writing, but for a better audience than you: read achewood and finally understand