That’s the average salary overall. An average electronics engineer makes $109k a year in the US. and even more in places like California.
That’s the average salary overall. An average electronics engineer makes $109k a year in the US. and even more in places like California.
Yeah it’s not an ad break it’s an interval (like for stage plays).
At no point in it’s history since it’s creation has it EVER made money.
Actually they did make money in 2018 and 2019 but then the pandemic caused advertisers to cut spending.
That’s their new font. This is the new logo:
(Yes it is almost exactly the same as the old one)
I don’t think he’s “anti cap” he seems to have problems with certain industries (notice he mentions Alphabet and Walmart but doesn’t criticize them). Also this writing honestly seems very in character for him (see the goodreads review).
He sounds like fedi/reddit poster with that intro
There’s no movie industry that makes as much money as Hollywood. The highest grossing Chinese film made “only” 900 million usd while the highest grossing Indian film made even less, about 260 million usd. I assume it’s mostly because Hollywood movies can be popular in India and china but Indian and Chinese movies are almost never popular outside of their countries.
Jack Dorsey still owns BLUESKY, and if anyone is trying to tell you he doesn’t, they’re lying.
But Mr Dorsey is no longer part of the team behind it, having stepped down from the board in May 2024. He deleted his account altogether in September. It is now run and predominantly owned by chief executive Jay Graber as a US public benefit corporation.
The portal can’t stream from the cloud. It’s only able to remote play from your ps5 so it’s closer to a wireless display with a controller attached.
I’ve heard the stuff at Walmart is lower quality than the original.
Yeah fitgirl doesn’t work well with translation layers. In my experience elamigos works the best out of all repackers.
Did the person who posted this on mastodon not read any of the comments on wsb explaining why this is a stupid comparison?
It’s not quite as good as gptk. Gptk can run games like cyberpunk at 60+ fps on more powerful Mac’s but Asahi currently can’t run AAA games at 60 fps. Also gptk has support for avx which Fex technically has but doesn’t work on m1 because the chip lacks SVE(2). However I imagine in the future asahi will almost definitely be better.
This is actually a google account feature called “auto signin”. If you go to google password manager and click on the settings button in the top right there should be an option called Auto Sign-in you can disable.
Apple has their own wine based tool called Game Porting Toolkit that runs windows games and uses Rosetta.
Negotiations for what? YouTubers have pretty much no say in how YouTube runs and they make most of their money outside of YouTube (things like merch and sponsorships).
Yeah but making average wages doesn’t necessarily mean they’re comfortable.