• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I recently heard this view from someone who has worked with social media quite a lot, that we should basically only have verified online identities in the future. All unverified identities will be assumed to be bots. This is kind of sad to me, as anonymous online interaction still seems valuable. In any case, it does seem like a race: we try to make up tests to prove we’re human, others try to train AIs to pass those tests.

  • Ereader is great for reading in idle moments. Unfortunately mine lives at work currently (for reading scientific papers). At one point I read while my kids were listening to an audiobook in the evening. I could get a nice amount of extra reading done that way even though it takes some extra concentration.

    Usually I read when the kids are in bed, but it’s a bit hard when there are other competing things to do like talking with my partner or watching something. I’m trying to learn from my daughter who just reads during any spare moment in the day, and she has read so much this spring.