Thanks for the suggestion. I have been trying goldendict (ng and other variants) these past few days, and I found it quite a nice fit for what I wanted, though a bit frustrating. Most likely a skill issue on my part tho. I haven’t tried getting sample dictionaries, for one. I’ll give it yet another try.
Oh! Forgot which event happened after which other event in that long cutscene after the final boss battle.
FF8 spoilers
I thought Squall met the younger Edea after receiving Ultimecia’s powers. I only remembered the fact that Squall implanted the idea of SeeD into Edea, but I couldn’t remember how exactly it happened.
As for Rinoa, back when I first played the game, I was a bit younger than Squall is, and Rinoa annoyed the hell out of me—far more than I got annoyed with Selphie, supposedly the annoying one. Younger me would have preferred if Squall fell in love with someone else, heck, even Seifer would have been a better love interest for Squall as far as younger me was concerned. I guess then, their love story worked nicely, and younger me was just too stubbornly edgy to appreciate that.
I think Laguna and Raine’s love story resonated with me far better because it’s far less “abrasive” and in-your-face. It might be a more bland and ordinary love story, but it’s a nice foil to the main love story between Squall and Rinoa.
EDIT: failed my spoiler formatting