This, so far, is holding true, and I even started accounting for it after a point, steering away from the correlations I’ve so far noticed, but my sample size is so far from being in any way scientifically relevant, that I still have that lingering doubt that maybe I’m just seeing a mean, not the full spectrum.
Hell, good point with being specifically targetted as well, the worst one actually verbalised that she appreciated the fact that I naturally create a safe space for my loved ones so “she could behave like a 3-year-old.” Maybe they see that I try to be as understanding and accepting as I possibly can and thus select me as a target, or something… I don’t want to sound like I’ve slipped into persecution mania, I just know that some people are creepy that way, and it is what it is… Actually not all that different an impulse than the usual mate selection process, it’s just that the subject matter is taboo and generally frowned upon, as it comes from a direction of profiting, not collaborating.
I think I’m I finally understand Snipes’s ad-lib from Blade, this really does feel like trying to ice skate uphill.
Nah, the drug abuse is just another fuck-up in a long string of fuck-ups. The dude’s always been a weirdo, he just didn’t have the balls to go full Monty until the entire world started fluffing him up as the IRL Tony Stark. He feels invincible and it’s pretty much our fault. I know I had some hope in what he was doing (even if just for a lack of better options), do I feel stupid now…