Maybe if you guys weren’t so busy supporting genocide people would have voted for you more? Just an idea.
Anyway I hope you die.
Maybe if you guys weren’t so busy supporting genocide people would have voted for you more? Just an idea.
Anyway I hope you die.
Why do you hate arabs?
Why not white phosphorus? They proved very effective in lebannon. Hey maybe some landmines, those are fun. A bit of agent orange also maybe?
In this war of mine you get sent to the frontline as cannonfodder.
They’re hiring:
Go there. I can send money for the flight if you’re struggling. Put your arm where your mouth is or shut the fuck up
Stfu moosehead. You’re talking about how we should have more wars and more weapons from the comfort of your house in kitchener or someother stupid place while lockheed martin is doing billions. Do you have shares in the weapon industry?
Then go fight there you coward instead of supporting innocent people dying for your western hubris.
Shit how am I supposed to justify hating arabs now?