The problem is much bigger than Fox News, the MAGA Republicans, or the United States.
I find it quite interesting that his religion still exists despite him being outed as a charlatan.
The resilience of obviously garbage beliefs among people who are manifestly not stupid is a mystery worth solving.
He’s such a whiner.
Detain and arrest are the same thing. If you aren’t under arrest, then you’re free to leave.
Are ducks not okay to eat anymore?
I’m not surprised the Cato institute has the back of a general who was caught taking money from foreign governments
Or his espionage
Do you Michael Flynn the convicted felon?
wait, why am I back in 2010?
I see the fucker getting convicted of crimes all the time yet somehow he’s always free publicly doing more crimes.
They don’t think you have disposable income. They don’t care about you if you don’t.
“We would be Saudi Arabia if we could.”
“Social Security’s great for the old folks, but there’s no way it’ll be around when we’re old”
Votes for the guy trying to destroy social security.
For some reason the other presidents sign cracks me up more than the car
Then if Barabbas really was pardoned, to some of his acquaintances who didn’t know the pardon, he was sent off to die, but then showed up later in the weekend.
I don’t think it would have hurt US image more to re-invade. The Taliban aren’t much loved.
What irks me is everyone buying into the “botched withdrawal” yeah it was chaotic. It inevitably would be chaotic, but it was well executed given the circumstances.
Most of the suggestions on how it could have been better amounted to staying indefinitely, or a re-invasion, or even attacking the Afghan government.
I’ve visited Canada and this is accurate.
Liz Cheney is not moderate, she’s just against Donny turning dictator.
Something should haunt him. without ignoring everything else, Donny’s opponents should hammer on one thing, maybe this, until he apologizes and fires people involved.
We need to prove to the world that he’s not allowed to behave badly without having to address it.