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This is just fucking misogyny. If the best insult you can think of against Elon Musk is to call him a woman, then you just hate women. Anyone who thinks this is actually good, you are part of the problem, just go vote for fucking Trump
If they’re free, why did you vote for a candidate who supports genocide?
Notice how pro-nuclear people always point towards a bunch of fictional technology as the solution? Oh, we just need fusion, or breeder reactors, or a bunch of other shit that doesn’t exist. No, bro, we just need to build renewables and proper energy grids. It’s really not that complicated. If it’s not sunny where you live, then you just get electricity from where it is sunny. It’s really really simple
Nuclear energy is a solution looking for a problem. Total tech bro bullshit. Like crypto.
Are you fucking serious? Nuclear power plants cost way fucking more than some cables. You people are fundamentally so unserious. Pull your head out of a reactor for ten seconds and take reality as it exists
and breeder reactors are more expensive than faerie magic, I prefer to use technologies that are actually real rather than things I wish were real
There’s no way I’m watching any more of that absolutely disgusting bile. I hate Piers Morgan, he’s a horrible, racist, piece of shit. I’m just as outraged about people being islamophobic. People being islamophobic doesn’t mean that we should accept anti-semitism, what kind of backwards argument is this?
I can’t, sorry - I blocked him for being a pro-nuclear shill. Rather than link to a specific study, because there are dozens at this point, I’ll instead just link you to a Wikipedia article that has plenty of references for you to explore - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100%25_renewable_energy
If you want to find studies, you can find them - there are actually quite a lot of 100% renewable energy feasibility studies that all seem to come to the conclusion that 100% renewable energy economy is completely achievable and viable with current technology. Many of them consider nuclear power to be a fossil fuel.
Ask a pro-nuclear guy to provide any source that doesn’t come from somewhere funded by the nuclear lobby and watch as they flail around ineffectually and then link you to some pro-nuclear lobby group anyways. It’s quite funny
Israel isn’t representative of Jewish people. It uses jewish people as a shield from criticism. Israel is a pro-US colonialist project before it’s jewish. This is like saying that people hate leftists but they voted for the national socialist german worker’s party
No, not really, because the US elections aren’t free. More americans didn’t vote for them than did vote for them. So by your own metric, they didn’t go out of their way to vote for genocide
if 15% of the land used for parking spaces in the USA was instead used for renewables, that would generate enough electricity to power the whole country.
a report from the IEA showed that renewables CAN, and I mean CAN fully power the entire world. So take that one up with the experts. thanks!
nice brainwashing though!
totally false, it is the state itself that is conducting the genocide. this is like saying that americans are responsible for the genocide because they voted for trump or harris
That’s interesting, I wonder if there’s some historical precedent that may make people slightly more concerned about anti-semitism rather than anti-christian sentiment.
Fuck all religions, criticise Judaism all you want. But if you start talking about jews (or Christians or Muslims) as if they’re some sort of monolithic group, you’re being an asshole.
Edit: Holy shit, I watched the first 10 seconds of that video and the guest said “Jewish supremacy is the biggest threat to the world today”, which is one of the most overt, outrageously anti-semitic statements I’ve heard in the 21st century. Whoever that guy is, he should not be allowed on TV or YouTube, holy fuck.
Why can’t you just say “genocide is being perpetuated by Israel”, why do you have to make it about jews?
There is a huge lobby of pro-nuclear think tanks who try to astroturf pro-nuclear shit onto social media. We, scientifically literate, rational people, need to counteract these harmful narratives with some facts.
FACT: Renewable sources of energy are as cheap or cheaper per kwh than nuclear.
FACT: Renewables are faster to provision than nuclear.
FACT: Renewables are as clean, or cleaner, than nuclear.
FACT: Renewables are much more flexible and responsive to energy fluctuations than nuclear.
FACT: Renewables will only get cheaper. Nuclear will only get more expensive, because uranium mining will get harder and harder as we deplete easily accessible sources.
“oh it won’t run out, it’ll just be ridiculously expensive, despite the fact it’s already more expensive than renewables!”
Yeah great fucking argument dude, 10/10.
Nuclear isn’t in competition with fossil fuels, it’s in competition with renewables. Renewables are better than nuclear by pretty much every conceivable metric. So fuck nuclear power, it’s a waste of money and time.
yes, they hate arabs most of all, so they probably consider israel’s genocide to be based. they probably love the concept that they’re funding a war that will kill lots of jews and lots of arabs