• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2024


  • Uh, you missed a few steps. Like the people voicing concerns over Biden’s mental health and being told to shove it while the party hid him from public view as much as possible. And then when they couldn’t hide it anymore they still tried to gaslight us that we didn’t see what we just saw.

    And then finally they succumbed to that public pressure when it was far too late to have an actual primary and rally as a party, instead being told to vote for someone who was candidate-by-default.

    The Dems constantly try to pander to the right which only fuels their real enemy in elections: voter apathy. If they actually governed and gave more than lip service, they’d never lose another election.

  • That’s why I snatched up a Bolt before Chevy (temporarily, they say) discontinued the line. I even did upgrade it a little to get heated/cooling front seats and a heated steering wheel plus the extra safety features. $32.5k with a $7.5k rebate from the federal Clean Vehicle Credit. So $25k for a car with a 175-280 mile range. (175ish in winter when the battery is less efficient, 280 in summer).

    Of course the IRS fucked up the point of sale rebate when I was purchasing, but it’s finally incoming with my taxes this year.

  • I have pretty heavy judgement for people who have made it well into adulthood without bothering to engage with the reality of what they support.

    However, always leave room for people who were raised in this crap. It takes serious time to deprogram and some people will do it at 16 and others might take until 26. I’m 31 and still deconstructing some of the repressive religious bullshit from my childhood even though I swing hard left politically (well past the Democratic Party) at 18. The brain doesn’t stop developing until 25, so at least give them some leeway until then to figure out what they really believe.

  • Look, I’m not a protest nonvoter but this line does a lot more harm than good. You get to feel smug but all you’re doing is alienating the people who voted against this despite having to vote against their conscience to do so.

    I feel ideologically aligned with people who couldn’t stomach voting for either party, because despite all the stupid mockery both sides are bad. The Republicans are actively evil and the Democrats are knowingly complicit. It’s not equally bad, but it’s all bad. Every smug comment like yours chips away at my desire to hold my nose and vote for centrist neoliberals against my own interests.

    How about instead, for a change, we blame the people who voted in loser candidates like Hillary and Biden? 1/3 is a failing grade, and we’re all paying for it because of Hillary’s pied piper. Yet people like you continue to blame the people who didn’t like a bad candidate.

  • I tried to point it out in the reply you ignored, but you need to look up what “rigged” means. It doesn’t necessarily mean a guaranteed outcome, it means conducting something fraudulently to give one particular outcome or person an advantage. That’s quite literally what the DNC does, by their own admission, and from your own comments it doesn’t sound like you disagree. You just can’t accept that those actions equate to “rigged.”

    The courts didn’t say the DNC hadn’t rigged it. The courts said the DNC hadn’t broken the law, based on the DNC’s argument that it was within their rights to – you guessed it – rig the whole thing.

  • Obama was cheated, but he caught the DNC off guard. They learned their lesson from that and prepared more for Hillary’s coronation that Obama disrupted.

    Obama was also an insider, so they didn’t fight back quite as hard. But they used a lot of the same dirty tricks, stoking racism against him and accusing the opposition of sexism.

    You’re arguing on a very narrow definition of “cheated.” If you agree that the Democratic primaries were not democratic, then it’s just a matter of semantics. The DNC had rules on their charter to conduct primaries impartially. They did not abide by those rules, and flat out said they didn’t have to. That’s conducting a supposedly impartial primary fraudulently in order to give advantage to their preferred candidate. It’s not criminal fraud, but it is the definition of rigging. They did do it to Obama and he overcame it, they did it to Bernie learning from their mistakes and Bernie couldn’t overcome it.