1. Don’t be a dick.
  2. If you have to be a dick, be the least amount possible.
  3. Failing that, see 1.
  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2020

  • Storytime!

    I was taking a mental health day not too long ago and went to a local diner. My thought was I should try interacting outside my bubble to make me feel better. And it kinda worked…ish. I should’ve read the flags, one of which was him saying my paper was fake news, but alas.

    Started talking to this old dude, apparently had a long historical knowledge of his family, which he stated family history placed their start in the 1700s. Talked about how his family took place in all the wars.

    After an insane detour on how the North actually was at fault for the first shots fired, he pivoted to how Sherman burned down the family plantation. How absolutely terrible that was for his family.

    Then he pivoted to talking about the KKK, and whewwww did that illuminate the absolute dichotomy of history for me. He stated that “they originally formed to protect women that were beat by their husbands.” After I asked about the whole racism bit, he said it wasn’t as bad as people made out.

    At that point I grabbed my check and peaced out. Totally helped me get over my funk by showing just how fucking insane people’s idea of history is.

  • As someone not defederated from them, it’s not terrible. For the most part, you just see shitposts. Occasionally, you see tankie shit and move on with the day. A load of times, they post and engaging isn’t terrible. It’s like most places on the web, except here you can ban them.

    My approach has been to not explicitly ban unless there are active issues. People posting aren’t problematic; there’s a new conservative sub that posts some garbage links, but I’m not going to ban them for having terrible takes from breitbart.