Ah, just caught it, it’s his name.
Ah, just caught it, it’s his name.
I don’t see it. Was something changed in translation? Looks pretty identical to me.
Edit: it’s his name
Install Microsoft Powertoys, and AltSnap
Took me a while to process that last panel. “Now get out, you’re ruining me moment”
Doesn’t decompression only happen client-side? I don’t imagine them compressing the files multiple times.
It feels more like they want you to always use their search when you want to buy anything, which would make you buy it from them if they do sell it.
Exclusively drinking water with zero TDS can be bad for you in the long term, AFAIK.
I just followed a few YouTube tutorials. My favorite one is a little monkey that can grab onto another balloon.
Balloon animals.
Crossing your eyes will show you the opposite effect though, something being concave instead of convex.
Can you elaborate? Is there any controversy on the Core One I’m not aware about, apart from it being less open source?
Much lighter files and faster slicing, I imagine.
it can create more of that texture. This has a surprising number of uses: Creating more of a texture.
Still trying to figure out if this is sarcasm, or just missing the rest of the uses.
So we get Little Red Book reposts now?
The Reductress seems to be a satire news site like the onion, so it belongs there and not here.
What is “1 different states?”
Yes, but not for filament savings 😅
The caption made me laugh before the video even loaded.
I would imagine it would be the exact same lens & mirror setup. Light goes both ways.