I mean, if bots are now claiming that putin is a POS dictator and that China doesn’t care about human rights, then LET THERE BE BOTS!!
I mean, if bots are now claiming that putin is a POS dictator and that China doesn’t care about human rights, then LET THERE BE BOTS!!
You had the choice between satan and a random jerk, you chose to abstain.
You sound so much like maga it would be laughable if it wasn’t pathetic. Lol at: "we spend years telling blablabla ". You didn’t do shit, you jerked yourselves like you always did because you’re probably the average privilege-ass american.
You had to chose between the fucking antichrist or a classic US bad politician. Even if this bad politician had only one quality : not being Trump (congrats Biden), it’s already 1000x better than letting Epstein’s best friend take the power again and forever.
You sided with maga to own the libs, congrats, now the libs, the palestiniens and the rest of world is owned.
Fucking stop blaming others, YOU WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN because you and maga are exactly the same: selfish under-educated privilege-ass americans who believe they know better than the rest of world. Fuck off.
You aint see nothing yet. Wait till the Trumps celebrates 20 years of absolute control over your country and then we’ll talk. Americans chose fascism, explicitly.
Lol, the pro China, pro putin folks who let pedo-Don win the election are woke?
But the local version is not supposed to be censored…? I’ve asked it questions about human rights in China and got a fully detailed answer, very critical of the government, something that I could not get on the web version. Are you sure you were running it locally?
College teacher/academia in music and techology.
Organic map is crazy fast. I just wish it has trafic data but after a few weeks using it, that’s not a big difference in the end.
Where’s the second one?
Lost redditor?
I use Linux for everything, including gaming, but I have a VM with win11 for when I need ads in my os.
Americans are like “PRotEct tHe cHILdRenS” and “fAMILy valUes” but massively elected a pedophile, serial rapist, who pays pornstars for sex while his fift wife is pregnant.
I find it way more easy to have civil interactions with people here. On reddit, I would either get ignored or discussions would turn to shit. Lemmy is actually way more fun to use, it just need a bit more of content.
Americans have a thing for pedophiles.
I’m willing to consider California becoming the 11th province. We’re gonna make these GAFAM pay for all these years of manipulation and rename the US to Naziland.
People paid for Netflix?
I’m not american but, are the “democrates” and “BlueMaga” (now what the fuck is this??) in the room with us right now? Did you vote, really?