• 22 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2020

  • So, here’s a weird anecdote: Me and my ex were watching The Lighthouse together online (long distance relationship). Neither of us had watched it before. Turns out for some reason, VLC was not able to decode the audio codec properly on my end - I only had some athmospheric parts of ambience and music, but most interestingly no voice at all. Up until the very end, I thought they just went extra-avant-guarde and emulated a silent film in addition to the monochrome aesthetics. Only after we talked about it and she told me something about some dialogue scenes I realised that there was actually supposed to be audible dialogue.

    Funnily enough, turns out it was still super enjoyable for me because I love artsy movies and surreal experiences, and I was able to piece together the plot and character interactions pretty accurately.

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule people
    7 hours ago

    I genuinely think the main ideological function isn’t even as much to promote that, as it is to focus personal dreams and fantasies towards wanting to become a part of the “winners”. Not that it isn’t part of it, just by normalising it as status quo even within fantasies, but I think even more powerful is to have people fantasise about being one of the chosen ones eventually.

    Quick reminder that stuff like this is not planned like in some conspiracy, but just a result of dynamics happening (almost exclusively, rare exceptions) unconsciously the way ideology springs from the material base.

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.mltoich_iel@feddit.deich🚫🏺🍁iel
    12 hours ago

    Ich steh auf dem Schlauch, und definitiv nicht meinem, denn der ist zu kurz - warum sind Hüpfburgen Kiffervertreibend? Stell mir bekifft in ner Hüpfburg liegen ziemlich angenehm vor.

    Oder geht es darum, dass das dann ein Spielplatz wäre, und die Abstandsregel anfängt zu gelten?

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule people
    15 hours ago

    How about this story about a young English boy that gets bullied by the poo people, until he finds out he is actually super special. And then he fights the super specials that want society to be structured around birthright, because he has a special born fate to stop them. All while the super specials have used their amazing magical powers, able to literally mold reality to their whims, to create their own version of liberal capitalism.

  • Das wirklich Traurige ist, dass ich glaube bei sehr vielen Befürwortern ist es nicht mal verlogen, sondern naiv ignorant. Es gäbe schon jetzt einiges was zusätzlich getan werden könnte, um diese Dinge besser einzudämmen, aber es würde Investitionen in Kompetenzen und Personal in der Netzwelt und im “traditionellen” Jugendschutz erfordern (bessere Anlaufstellen, Möglichkeiten zur Anzeige, Aufklärung, Prävention durch bessere psychologische Betreuung).

    Das ist für mich auch so ein Knackpunkt: selbst wenn ich persönlich fest daran glauben würde, dass Chatkontrolle wichtiger wäre als die persönlichen Rechte und Sicherheiten, wegen des Kindesmissbrauchs, ich hätte absolut kein Vertrauen, dass das vorhandene Personal die Kompetenz und Resourcen hätte, diese zum Schutz von Kindern richtig zu verwenden. Stattdessen öffnet es nur eine Überwachungsmaßnahme, welche doppelt gefährlich in Zeiten ist in denen Nazisympathisanten in Behörden bereits Material an Rechtsextreme weitergegeben haben.

  • The short answer: It made me interested in non-commercial alternatives. The fact that the main devs are communists in their own right (even though not necessarily of the same school of thought as myself, but close enough), certainly helped, too.

    BTW, just in case you are concerned about that - they are commited to free software principles and the software they develop here is certainly politically agnostic, and they can’t and won’t keep anyone from hosting their own instances with their own focus or forking the software in the worst case.