That sounds strange, because they just filter out and don’t add anything. What does give me headache though are glasses that are too small for me. Maybe your glasses are just a bit too small and the increased pressure triggers the migraine?
That sounds strange, because they just filter out and don’t add anything. What does give me headache though are glasses that are too small for me. Maybe your glasses are just a bit too small and the increased pressure triggers the migraine?
I know that Germany only made rape inside the marriage a crime in 1997. And some conservatives argued against it with your words: it is an old custom/tradition.
Oh and one of those assholes that voted against criminalizing it has good chances to be chancellor next year. Great country I’m living in.
Might not be for you.
Maybe as an alternative for you: create new accounts after one year or so to not leave a years-long data trail? This way your posts are preserved but can’t be connected easily to each other to doxx you.
That’s exactly the problematic thing. She is a child and should enjoy her childhood, not work in the entertainment business.
Most multiplayer games gain by already knowing mechanics, maps, characters, items, etc.
What you say and what you describe are not the same. Your explanation is literally how it was explained on the other site. So you are better than you think you are. =)
And I do it the same as you. Something I disagree with or don’t like but is reasonably argued and not mean or full of any -isms? No vote from me.
Oh, don’t be such a Hephaestus hater. Prometheus didn’t get imprisoned on a rock so that we let that fire burn out. Who knows what gets invented next. Maybe even a way to put all those stupid papyrus rolls into a neat shape that I can store in my house.
That introduces a massive selection bias.
If I don’t like a game due to bugs or technical problems, I will very likely not play it more than 5 hours (disregarding actively developed games that were changed drastically).
By filtering out all reviews below 20 hours, you will lose all the reviews who couldn’t play due to technical problems etc.
Reading the reviews above 20 hours definitely provides the benefit of them having seen a lot of the game, but you should not disregard all below that threshold.
Don’t forget that reaching the country threshold alone is not enough. We also need to hit 1 million petitioners!
So if you like the petition and you are a EU citizen, sign it!
Followed your advice, now my husband complains I’m not the woman he married anymore.
Visible to me. Maybe you have a “hide posts with negative points” rule active or something like that? Or the original commenter or their instance is blocked by you or your instance. Multiple possible reasons why you don’t see the comment, while I do.
Yes and no.
You could do a lot of things, but I haven’t heard of somebody killing 30 people or more in one incidence with a car.
And of fucking course I don’t just want to take away the guns, but provide mental help, social security nets and other things which target the underlying reason.
Still doesn’t change the fact that guns should not be easy to get and not be for everybody.
And additionally: Numbers are very important. Why don’t we allow people to have tanks?
Edit: changed the whole comment, because for me it only showed the first link in the beginning and not the rest of your explanation.
Agreed on the first part, hard disagree on the second part.
If you really think a person with one knife can kill as many people as with a or even multiple guns then you are seriously indoctrinated by the 2A bullshit.
Yes, if someone wants to kill people, they will nearly always succeed just due to the element of surprise. But one person with a knife is much more limited in reach and therefore easier to be stopped than somebody with a gun. Which equals to less dead people.
Das stimmt schon, aber ich finde es trotzdem nachvollziehbar, dass man nicht jeden einfach aufnimmt. Kann mir vorstellen, dass es vermutlich auch einige Rechte gibt, die es versuchen um Insiderinformationen zu bekommen.
Das große Problem bei schnell wachsenden Parteien ist eben, dass du dir schnell Opportunisten reinholst. Das ist ein Teil woran die Piraten damals gescheitert waren.
Die Hausdurchsuchung ist ein gerne verwendetes Mittel zur Bestrafung vor einer Anklage die ins Nichts führt und das verfahren ohne Bestrafung eingestellt wird.
I don’t understand why they give bullet resist around walkers and also make their attack stronger. Won’t that make the game more boring because more people will hide there now instead of running around and away?
Thanks for the elaborate answer, I somehow took your original posts in a more aggressive tone than you probably meant them.
Just some short remarks:
OK, that is seriously lacking in mod tools then
Ah okay, if other people reported it as well, that makes it more understandable, but we as non-mods can’t see that (at least I don’t know how)
3.Thanks for the mod work! It is a thankless job and you need to interact with people like me. I see from your response that your heart is in the right place.
Gibt mehrere, aber ich glaube The Hu waren die, die damit international zuerst bekannt wurden.
Jetzt ohne Witz: einmal pro Jahr shoppen gehen finde ich schon nervig. Ich muss aber meist trotzdem, weil Schuhe heutzutage nichts mehr aushalten.