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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I ran it about 5 years ago. A friend had trouble getting the Nvidia closed source drivers installed so I spun up an install to get it done. I was able to figure it out. There was an error message that either she didn’t spot or maybe didn’t find a resolution too.

    I do like Gentoo primarily because I am a troubleshooter at heart, I just don’t always have the time to deal with a broken system anymore.

    I do get tempted to run it on bare metal from time to time. The last time I tried to install it in VirtualBox, it didn’t work out unfortunately.

  • I had never installed Linux before. Back in 2006 my old college roommate told me that he was reading about it. I used Solaris Spark workstations back in college, but never ran Linux before. My other roommate ran Slackware which looked cool but I never looked into it. Anyway I had recently built a custom PC and I was trying to avoid paying the windows tax, and was growing tired of having to reinstall the cracked version I was using of “corporate windows xp” so I pulled up the installation guide, printed it out, and proceeded to install the stage 1 tarball.

    It definitely was a trial by fire. I learned a tremendous amount, and I don’t regret any of it.

    I even was playing WoW under Cedega.

    I did eventually pick up a copy of Windows XP to run in parallels for Linux, and unfortunately, had to give it up for Windows XP as the main os due to Blizzard banning people who were playing Linux at the time.

    I miss it sometimes, but I don’t have the free time to properly maintain an install of Gentoo.

    I usually run Linux Mint on my VMs and test bench hardware however because it just works.

    I ran Arch briefly but my conclusion was that if I wanted Ck and bl torture, I would just main Gentoo again.

  • Yeah I know.

    I was actually trying to allude to this. Before my mother passed, she suffered for years from chronic diahreah. She had contracted CDIF during a hospital stay and it affected her for most of the rest of her life. I believe that her repeated use of strong antibiotics destroyed her gut biome and I long tried to convince her to be open to the idea.

    Unfortunately, she couldn’t get past the gross out factor.

    Very few doctors are willing to discuss it, and even fewer willing to try.

    I do find the field of study to be extremely interesting, especially when you factor in that there has been some clinical data to indicate that autistic children seem to have some improvement after a successful transplant. As a person on the spectrum myself, who is overweight, and deals with generalized anxiety disorder, I sometimes wonder if it’s something that I should look into for myself.

    Interesting stuff!