It’s an amazing tool.
For your comics list, I’d suggest Dataview, quickadd, and templater plugins. With those three you could easily make a database with an entry mask, that automatically sorts the files into folders and sets metadata based on the mask input, and dynamically creates various tables for reference.
Folder notes could be useful too, depending how you want to set it up, and how detailed you want to have your tables.
Whatever you decide on, good luck. :)
I use two Ecoflow batteries, a smaller 2kAh model and a 4kAh one. I have solar panels on my Garage roof, the big battery lives there. I charge bike batteries directly with the big battery, and use the big one to charge the small one for use in the house.
The setup is expensive overall, but the results are great. The batteries have USB C that can charge laptops and other devices, and the AC outlets are powerful enough for the vaccum cleaner, coffee machine, basically everything in the house that can be plugged into an outlet other than some power tools.