I swear I’m not Jessica

  • 85 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Dogs aren’t as inherently submissive and dependent as people assume. Many areas of the world still have town dogs who survive on their own while still being affectionate with humans. All dogs being helpless furry children by default is a newer development that comes out of the west. Dogs weren’t as selectively bred, being shaped into our best friends more by evolutionary pressures than the eugenics programs that are now normalized.

    People hem and hah about dingos going extinct by breeding with wild dogs, but dingos are just what works in the Australian outback. They were originally brought to Australia by humans and were often friendly with people depending on the circumstances. These independent dogs outcompeted the Tasmanian tiger and took over their niche, allowing them to be less reliant on humans and less inclined to be friendly. The new wild dogs that successfully mingle with dingos only succeed when they have advantages in the wild canine genepool. Most escaped pups probably die because they can’t survive as well as the original dingos. Dingos are only going extinct if you buy into purity genetics.

    Species distinctions are lines we draw based on our efforts to understand the world, not some fundamental truth. Dogs aren’t what we think, and neither are most species. We think about life in a fundamentally limited way and we need to understand those limitations or we’ll get constantly misled by our bias.

  • The first time I hung out with other women and felt included, I was asked how I felt. All I could say is that I felt “Happy.” I just hadn’t felt that way before. Despite being in my 20s, I had never been so happy existing with others.

    It took time to recognize that it was because I wasn’t dysphoric about my social existence for once. I didn’t feel like a gross outsider. I felt like one of them. It hurt when I had to go back. Finally feeling right made feeling wrong again so much worse.

  • He’s definitely mentally tired, but I honestly see it as part of the problem. He dehumanizes those around him because he dehumanizes himself. He’s a content machine that assumes everyone else must have the same slavish dedication to views and capital that he has.

    He’s a hollow billionaire who needs to lose his influence and popularity for everyone’s sake. His toxic workplaces are a result of him being a diehard capitalist who can’t even recognize the shit he swims in. He probably doesn’t realize that his for-profit charity props up an evil system that digests everyone, rich and poor alike.

    I’m just happy we can finally call him out for the danger he poses. I suspect he’ll become more openly right wing as more progressive liberals turn on him, which sucks. I wish our world didn’t allow him to get this far.

  • Exactly my point, but people have been conditioned against trigger words like class. I don’t hide that’s what I’m really saying, but I try to present the argument without activating their red scare brainwashing. I don’t even consider myself a Marxist more than I consider myself a liberal, yet it’s still difficult to avoid being branded as such. When they put you in a box, you can’t get through to them and have an honest conversation.

    Capitalism is the problem, but the concept itself is loaded like a landmine. I find that trying to disarm or weaken that trap is necessary if you’re to ever get through. It isn’t fair. It isn’t logical. It’s just the reality we have to deal with.