The story of the DLC is class, basically the movie ‘Escape from New York’ _
The story of the DLC is class, basically the movie ‘Escape from New York’ _
Because it is wicked awesome _
Short answer: It’s never been better, but make sure to buy the DLC as well. Worth every penny.
Oh, didn’t see that. Sorry OP. ^^ In my defense, it’s super bright outside and it makes reading on my phone a lot trickier. For TNG - the most important ones for me have already been mentioned here.
The pilot of SNW and Ad astra per aspera (SNW S2).
Terf island strikes again. What a bunch of miserable cunts.
Great, now this song is stuck in my head. Damn you, catchy R.E.M.!
Stil on my 2nd SNW binge. Just watched S1E6.
But I already dread the musical episode of S2. I just can’t stand singing in TV shows and had to skip it the first time I watched S2.
Ahoi! Jetzt 62. :)
SNW: Ad astra per aspera
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!
They should ask the French for tutoring.
New Batcave / Death Rock album of a friend’s band. They are called Cataphiles. Digital version is available on Bandcamp (pay what you want).
Team Faramir here.
Autsch, da braucht Fritze wohl eine doppelte Portion Aloe Vera.
Pistorius soll sich mal nicht so anstellen.
Watching SNW again, only 5 episodes in on this rewatch. Probably watching PRO for the 2nd time afterwards.
Eine meiner absoluten Lielingbands. Ich kann sie gar nicht genug empfehlen.
Always got on with him well. I hope everything turns out fine for him and his family.