Exactly. I started just doing it. Especially when it’s hard!
Exactly. I started just doing it. Especially when it’s hard!
There is some bad woman’s anatomy here too. The egg is broken down and reabsorbed before menstruation starts.
Menstruation happens when the lutheal body desintigrates. Ending the fake pregnancy effect it has. Since there is no embryo to continue the process, the lack of progesterone gets detected as a non-viable pregnancy resultong in a fake miscarriage.
That’s amazing. This is the good wholesome stuff.
Bed and dragons, bed and dragons
Go together like a horse and wagons
This I tell ya, brother
Ya can’t have one without the other
It’s not Mike, it’s Michelle!
Good on ya, dude. Seems inclusive to me.
Didn’t every language start as a dialect?
Apple used to be the general word for fruit. Hence why so many languages call potatoes “earth apple” or oranges a form of “yellow apple” or “applesin”
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The liver got the toughest job out there. He got no time for himself. Poor liver.
That’s exactly what amsterdam did. Same with drugs. You make it legal, and you’ll make it easier to regulate.
Fun fact: Red light district is an alcohol free zone. As alcohol tends to increase aggression. People aren’t allowed to walk there while under influence.
Both it would seem.
Yeah. You meed a better setup for that. Just a basic 10x+oculus doesn’t cut it. Your microscope needs some immersion fluid for the 400x.
There is a difference between having a smaller social battery, and being asocial.
That plan is half-assed. You’re gonna fuck up the attempt mate, and I don’t want you to end up worse than dead.
It’s a fairly peaceful method if done right. The method can knock you out real quick (10-30s for a humam if done right), but it takes a while to actually die from it (could be 30min depending on lots of factors including gender). A lot slower than you would expect. I’ve seen gas termination with rats for anatomy lessons. It took a tiny animal a long time to die. 15min minimum, so we chose 30min to be sure. A human with 5L of blood rich in oxygen takes longer. In between losing conciousness and death, you’ll fight back. The odds of surviving as a half-vegetable aren’t favorable here.
If you choose to go, make sure you rethink this method.
How so? Underdevelopment of the brain has been pretty bad for me. An abusive enviroment partially as a result of me being autistic was bad for me too.
Ah yes. Let me just order an understanding community and infrastructure that suited my needs that weren’t met. Let me just revert the lack of development and damage done through neglect. Shall I add some dragons on the side?
A human sized hamsterball that can fly? We do live in the future!
Easy! Just don’t feel sad, and the thoughts will stop!