What’s an RM?
What’s an RM?
You have a Q in there and that solved it. Thank you!
That doesn’t seem to work for FF mobile. It’s just taking me to the main search page after I put something in the search bar. Am I doing this wrong?
Small wire cutter should be quicker there’s a wire comming out the back of those. One snip and it’s offline.
Gotta change the National wifi password as well.
Need to scan the border to make sure they are not running an extension cord through it.
This petition site it’s on is interesting… seem more official then changeDotorg and there’s quite a few other petitions on there. I wonder how many signatures it actually takes to get a thing noticed.
Wooo! You can do it buddy. I’m routing for you!
I’ve been using the Finch app with a few of my friends for about a year now. It’s kind of a virtual pet that grows as you meet your daily goals. Mine are small things like brushing my teeth twice a day, taking meds, going outside, lifting heavy things, ext
It also has a lot of built in activities for journaling and breathing exercises.
You can encourage and motivate your friends with it. It doesn’t show you their goals or personal info. It’s a great way to express gratitude or just let them know I am thinking about them.
I don’t get it. Why then should the NPD step aside for a Liberal party that votes against fair elections?
I’d use the open source ones but I haven’t found one that handles transit schedules in my area yet. I’d be open to suggestions on that.
Cool. I don’t sympathise at all. They could stand but they choose to bend a knee to tyrants. It’s no inconvenience to me to use alternatives to their products, as I’m sure it’s no inconvenience to them that I do so. It’s a peaceful solution all round.
I picked up one called HERE WeGo. It seems ok so far, it gives me transit route options and such. Really all I need and it knows how to spell Mexico.
You can check out the FMTA if your new to renting they offer a lot of free courses on what your rights are no membership needed.
What’s an LLM?
This idea is probably easier to market (therefore better). I just wanted to play a video game with a cat. But realistically most I met would just sleep on the screen. Human vs human is a bit more playable.
I might hold back on the weapons thing though. I’d want the player to feel helpless. The advantage for player 2 is player one can always see them either. Thick smoke or ceilings might make it hard for them to tell where player B is. If player B needs more of an advantage you could limit the potential paths player A can take so that player B can try to block the easier ones or make them more difficult.
It’d be player vs player vs environment.
You could have it balance that is player B is too destructive the environment becomes more hostile as missiles and stuff attack them and slow them down. Though this can harm player A as well it will give them more rubble and smoke to hide under.
Lots of potential. Though I definitely do not have the time to make a game like this. So if anyone out there wants it then go nuts. (Maybe leave a cat mode though lol)
Just keep her away from the juggolo’s and things will be fine.
Heres the links so you don’t have to open the article
The mushrooms?