Twice? What are you, 65?
Twice? What are you, 65?
It isn’t only that. It’s one of the most absorbent naturally occurring substances and will simply suck the the moisture right out of them. Anywhere it’s coating will become an inhospitable arid desert.
Willing to bet it’s a registered trademark
Disagree completely. Ask people their thoughts on specific issues and they almost always skew left even if they vote right. They’re just completely overwhelmed with biased news.
Dirty olisands crap is not economically viable to ship across the world. They just want their golden parachute bailout. Fuck them and their bad investment.
It’s a trap. Don’t do it.
There was a huge jump in audio recording technology right around that time. They switched to digital and the primary device people listened on was a digital CD player. It was still expensive and needed boat loads of hard drives so only the major labels and production companies had it. Check out the differences in bands that had a lot of sound effects and samples like hip hop or EDM to really see the stark contrast.
This looks more like a list of in-jokes between close friends than a list of real accomplishments.
Oh yeah? Well we hate ours! Oh, wait…
Sure, now. But it was made to circumvent bots. To increase the amount of trouble it is to spam. Don’t know what you’re trying to argue here.
It was originally for bots. Yes.
The point of shadow banning is to waste the time of bots.
He precisely DID NOT bring Ukraine to the table.
It’s buttholes all the way down.
You get these and somehow, somebody, some Sodomite sent me a bucket of poop.
Further proof that you cannot RTFA
By that logic you don’t exist.
Probably a shovel in the frozen ground up his pantleg. You can see him shift his weight to his right side when he goes hands free.