It’s one of those things that’s funny to read about later, but to experience it in real time was something else. It all started with a single seemingly innocent picture.
It’s one of those things that’s funny to read about later, but to experience it in real time was something else. It all started with a single seemingly innocent picture.
I was pre Rage, it’s what my kids grew up on, but the beauty of it is the simplicity. Even if you don’t get into it, you can understand it. It’s like a meme dialect, this one is pretty universal.
Die Hard and A Christmas Story as always, but I’ve also added another one (not a movie), the Hawkeye series.
It’s well known in the fact that once you’ve run across it and someone explains it, you’ll usually see it later on without trouble after a few times. Although some forms of it are quite subtle, like this one. The title is the hint, otherwise I doubt many would have caught on. That being said, if you never happened across it, you’d wonder what the hell everyone is talking about. About like any other meme really.
Remember, when he uses the “nobody knew this” that actually means he didn’t know it. And he says it a lot.
Plant trees to recover diversity. It’s not a solution for carbon capture. Not that it won’t capture a lot of carbon, it will…but what’s now in the air is the product of millions of years of plant capture all released in a century. A completely forested Earth is only a percentage of that, and we can’t and won’t cover that much area anyway. So planting trees is always a great idea, just not to fix this particular problem.
Neither is DAC, but for different reasons. Mainly power use and entropy.
The trope of flying through the debris/explosion of the ship you just blew up is kind of ridiculous. That’s the last place you want to go.
Finding micrometeorite holes would actually be harder than you would think because it’s only 1 atmosphere pressure leaking (or less, you don’t have to have 1 atm to exist comfortably). Might be easier to find them from the outside first and then map out where to look.
Those battle scenes where the rail gun shot were visibly going through and just missing…that was frightening. And remember, any shot that misses ruins someone else’s day later on.
Using the upvote button to agree isn’t a problem, but it’s more of a problem to use the downvote as a disagree if you’re actually engaging with the person to debate the topic since it in theory lowers the visibility of the original post and your own commentary.
I always liked the idea of having a “recommend post” button, and let the better stuff with more recommendations and replies rise to the top naturally. It also avoids the weird feeling in clicking an upvote/agree/like to a topic that you want to discuss but is negative.
Spock: “That move was highly illogical, Captain.”
Kirk: “Maybe. Mate in three.”
“It was defensive! They moved stuff!”
You should be more angry at the throwaway society we’ve become to create so much trash, rather than rant at the person who might be the sole employee until someone else comes in to do the regular morning cleanup duties.
So you think some full trash cans cause people to head out to the interstate and only then throw shit out their window? Guess they’re making a statement or something…
Obi-Wan and Padme are by far the two likely ones, but there is a point where Anakin realizes he’s going down the wrong path while still not on the dark side, I believe when he kills Dooku. That’s one place as well.
Thanks for the link that argues against your rant. I guess you could salvage it some by comparing the numbers and claiming the plastic component is lower than the main article’s numbers in contribution. It would be awkward though if you find out they already separated those number in their math. It also doesn’t change the point that a huge amount of pollution in the form of tire wear occurs constantly and isn’t going away anytime soon.
We already knew this was coming.
Situational awareness is key, but if all other indicators suggested everything was fine and you were driving up a bridge at night, there’s not much warning before the road is suddenly not there thanks to the curvature of the road. I’ve seen plenty of short clips of cars dropping into missing road segments due to whatever reasons, and it’s just not something you look for normally while driving nor is it that easy to see from a distance vs. an obstacle on the road. It’s possible they tried to stop and just couldn’t in time. The vehicle would be farther away if they had just flown off and not right below the base.
Gerrymandering within the governmental positions. This is why it was important to get a Democrat governor, otherwise the GOP would go full crazy.
It’s not about the cuts, it’s about sending a message.
“Bipedal??? WTF?”
Or simply “They’re made of MEAT?”
That was my first guess, false target. Like a lizard that loses the tail, only less involved. Evolution ends up with odd solutions, but if it helps favor a trait by leading to survival, it’s good enough. It could have just as easily been as someone else suggested, something that was passed on but not selected against either. Not all evolved things have to do with survival, some just are there.
The origin of the word “jaywalking” is exactly that. Blame the victim.