Especially now that the border is being closed/controlled again.
Especially now that the border is being closed/controlled again.
Thanks for answering my frustrated questions, was a long day yesterday. I’ll try to understand the deeper truths later, but I can already tell the matrix stuff goes over my head.
The reason is that M$ pays the manufacturer to put their crapware on it
It should be easy, it’s just analysis but with an added dimension, basically. How is it so hard? How is it that the more I’m “learning” for that damn math exam the less I know? Why do I need it in the first place? Why have exams at all? I know what I know, and it’s not like I’m learning anything by preparing for them. I hate exams so much, it’s so stressful.
I doubt you have the answers to that, even if you did, they wouldn’t really help. So let’s ask something useful, since you’re offering.
What the hell is a total derivative, and why is it suddenly the same as a tangential plane?
Why is the gradient just a collection of the first partial derivatives? How’s a tuple of them any useful? Apparently it’s showing the direction of steepest ascend or something? I don’t get it.
Wait, you can’t use your phone in a bus? Ot do you mean talk on the phone in a bus, because that would be understandable?
I’m not chilling. Second try on multivariate analysis in a week. I don’t want to fail.
(Yes I’m procrastinating by writing this comment)
There is no unlock origin for real life
But it gets the job done, chaotic good
That’s not true. Wube is working of a big Factorio 2.0 style update. They push updated on what they’re doing every other Friday, and they all go in detail and are very interesting.
Factorio 2.0 will shine brighter than ever before. Also, there is murmurs of possibly open sourcing faction later in the lifecycle.
Schlimmer geht immer, ein Motto dass sich bei mir über die letzten Monate bildet. Tolles Beispiel für schlimmer ist das US-Amerikanische Fernsehen.
Ig you sigkill a process, that process will no longer get CPU time, as far as I know. So if it didn’t work, you shot the wrong thing.
Klar, ist ja auch kühles Angelsächsisch, Angelsächsisch ist total in dieses Jahrhundert
Und wer überprüft das? Wer auch immer diese Macht bekommt hat die Kontrolle über alle betroffenen Medien.
Primary key