International 3rd year Undergrad Computer Science Student.
EDI and Academic Rep for the department
Space and Gaming Enthusiast,
Queer Intersectional Feminist,
Former committee member of Sheffield Women in CS and CS Society
And all around Spreadsheet Witch + sometimes digital painter out of necessity #sheffield #cs #uniofsheffield #computerscience #programming

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • @canadaduane
    I can see the appeal of wanting to build something just for you to do something custom you want, but I don’t think there’s a place in solarpunk, where you don’t learn this skill yourself, or ask one of your friends or a coding collective to help you customise existing off the self free open source solution to your needs.

    Solarpunk is also a revolution of how we relate to one another and not just how we use technology. 5/

  • @canadaduane The reason why software development can cost “millions of dollars to thousands” is because they’re paying multiple highly skilled software developers who not only know how to build software, but know how to do it as a team, and know how to ensure their programs actually do what they’re supposed to do (by writing unit tests, documenting their code complying with any other none coding requirements like ethics)

    genAI devalues the skill and labour that goes into making software. 3/

  • @canadaduane
    Not to mention, everyone should have computing literacy, because not only does it teach one computational thinking skills which are useful in and of themselves outside of computing, but because you learn problem solving skills.

    Asking a language model to build something for you that you’re going to rely on, may not mean what you ask it to build will work, or will be safe. It’s an llm. You need to be able to understand what it has given back to you to spot any errors. 2/

  • @canadaduane Okay yeah, the answer is still no.

    Everything useful that one does requires skill, whether its metalworking, painting, brick laying, doing pluming and programming.

    Just because it takes time to learn these skills doesn’t make it inaccessible to people to learn.

    What makes coding or larger computer science skills inaccessible to people are non-inclusive teachers who don’t know how to teach it well. Take it from someone who studies CS.
