Illegal here.
Poor countries where this is still legally possible.
Read about John Deere.
Illegal here.
Poor countries where this is still legally possible.
Read about John Deere.
Two great manipulators in concert - Ouverture:
Hobbyist here. I love some great pictures more than some great camera features. Overall, for my lenses I have spent about 3x as much as for my cameras.
You are wildly overestimating what “democratic” means.
Or maybe you mean more, but the term “democratic” does not contain that. Think about Russia, India, Philippines… they are democratic too, but that has very different meanings there.
So, before I am OK with China, they would also need many other major changes besides a democracy.
Ich bin ein paarmal die Fähre von Ancona nach Patras gefahren. Mit Kabinenplatz war es sehr angenehm, mit billigem Schlafsaalplatz etwas schwieriger, gerade noch erträglich. Ob man dabei arbeiten kann, weiß ich allerdings nicht. Ich war in Urlaub :)
Anyhow, when I see “Zionism” to refer to support of Israel, it pings my bullshit detector. It isn’t a part of normal discourse as I know it in the US.
This must be a thing inside the Usa then.
I know the term Zionists as refering to the political right-wing parties in Isreel.
Zeiten bei denen der Strom (fast) nichts kostet)
In diesen Zeiten zahlst du dann quasi nur die Steuern…
Die meisten deutschen Haushalte bekamen von dieser Preisexplosion nichts mit. Sie besitzen klassische Stromverträge mit Festpreisen.
Aha. Das soll also die gute Nachricht sein, damit wir alle wieder beruhigt sind.
In Norwegen sind dagegen bereits neun von zehn Haushalten mit Smart Metern ausgestattet, also intelligenten Stromzählern, die Strom zum Börsenpreis einkaufen, heißt: Anders als in Deutschland betreffen explodierende Preise fast alle Norweger. Während der Dunkelflaute am 12. Dezember stiegen die Börsenstrompreise in den südlichen Preiszonen auf 35 Cent je Kilowattstunde.
Moment mal eben…
Auch bei uns werden die Smartmeter eingeführt. Und wir zahlen doch in den Privathaushalten schon diesen Höchstsatz von 35 Cent je Kilowattstunde!
Mit den Smartmetern, und den daraus folgenden schnell veränderlichen Preisen für Privathaushalte soll es also BEI UNS NOCH TEURER werden.
And so it has started. The endless series of headlines that all begin with the same boring name.
I’m going to downvote every single one.
But can it play TIC TAC TOE against itself?
No. Mine are super special original individual, and you can never compete, regardless how hard you try.
I’m satisfied with my current size and my husband is too, but I know he’d really love it
You are a complicated person LOL.
Did you know that men are more simple, and easily satisfied?
which makes the whole thing exciting for me.
Warning. Don’t expect too much “special excitement”. Most of us men are enthusiastic about most sizes out there.
If I were to get it done, I’d technically do it for myself since I’d enjoy it, but my enjoyment would stem from my husband’s enjoyment.
This means, you are actually doing it for him.
But you expect a certain reaction from him, and that’s how you (tell yourself that you) are doing it for yourself.
But what if he reacts differently? Is he even allowed to? Only a little bit?
Are you from there? Have you been there? Do you know people from there?
It will go on like that for several years now. One shit show, and then the next one, and then the next three ones…
how any entity would want to be whay Mordo represented
I had not thought of Russia when I read that (a good while ago). Not even today’s Russia comes close.
I am interpreting Mordor as a fascist society. Power hungry leaders. Blind followers. Too many rules and commands. I can imagine some kinds of people enjoy that.
Es ist (wie fast immer bei ihm) die Sucht nach Angeberei.
Er versucht, in Trumps Schatten noch irgendwie sichtbar zu werden. Wenigstens eine oder zwei Schlagzeilen pro Woche, die mit seinem Namen anfangen statt mit dem anderen…
Eher schon Teslas in Volkswagen umbenennen…
Sind auch schon Symbole an seinem Werkstor?
No idea who that is, but your pic is well done.
Outside = the whole world.
But the the whole world is different from the whole world.