Softcore? I’m embarrassed for my state
My name’s not Rick.
Softcore? I’m embarrassed for my state
We took the US citizenship test in the first session of my first political science class back in college. Myself and a couple of others were the only ones to pass.
Don’t remember the name but the one where Patrick defines Wumbo. Either that or fry cook games, for obvious reasons
Psychonauts 2, Forza Horizon 5, Pentiment, Grounded, and AOE 4 all reviewed well. Barring AOE 4 I played all of them and enjoyed them. None of them would qualify as blockbusters though, maybe Forza.
edit: if Bethsoft games count, then I loved Indiana Jones. First game I got every achievement for in a long time.
Looking forward to playing this
Lower supply of key goods should help with inflation, right? Ugh
My browser extension that forces old Reddit is essential for this reason. The new UI is a cluttered mess
Jesus: “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.“
Joel Osteen: “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the whine of the engines on my private jet!”
Slow horses is great too
I can’t wait to see who wins the Mark Twain prize next year, probably that guy that called PR a shithole
I always heard “red and black, venom lack” but this works too
I had the pleasure of seeing Cherenkov radiation in person when I had the opportunity to tour Penn State’s research nuclear reactor years and years ago. We walked through the reactor room where you were able to look into the depths of the “pool” that the fuel rods were in. You could see boiling water bubbles floating up off the rods and a bright cyan glow coming from the rods rather than the green we’re so accustomed to from the Simpsons. If I wanted to, I could have dove into the water and swam down to the rods. Easily the craziest intrusive thought I’ve ever had.
They get to learn where the term Tankie comes from!
Edit: also, I think Europe may be mad about the mass rapes, the red army sitting on their asses while the Nazis razed Warsaw, actively preventing East Germany and East Berlin from rebuilding while West Berlin and West Germany thrived, etc more so than the destroying fascism part. Just my two cents.
He of course has put someone that has no expertise in the arts whatsoever in place, as far as I can tell
Like it or not, it is the primary source of this meme
I’m surprised it hasn’t been recreated by a porno company due to its popularity. Then again, it probably already has
I haven’t done this on my own, but sugru may be an easy way to texturize the c stick without having to take the 3ds apart. I’ve had success with using sugru on quite a few projects
The Jordan logo, at a minimum
I feel you. The shit his sister is saying about him is horrible
Queef might take the cake for me