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blobhaj, progress, flag, intersex, left

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  • Thrash Metal! 🤘
  • Women 🏳️‍🌈
  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2024


  • It’s the same line of thinking as transphobes…

    No it’s not? You’re saying things that don’t make sense, if you’re assigned female at birth you have ovaries (assuming no intersex condition) if you’re assigned male at birth you have testicules (assuming same thing)

    The ovaries produce estrogen (in three different forms E2 is the most important) And progesterone. The testicules produce testosterone and testosterone can decay into dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

    If an individual has more estrogen they will have a female phenotype (essentially they will look like a woman have breasts soft skin etc…)

    If an individual has more Testosterone and DHT they will have a male phenotype. ( More strength, stronger jaw, more body hair, going bald in a lot of cases)

    I’m a Trans woman, the point of hormone replacement therapy is to take my testosterone away and give me estrogen instead, after a while (and possibly some surgeries for bone structure) I’ll look like a woman, because that’s what hormones do. In the same vein since I don’t have T in my blood anymore I am losing strength, and my body hair is getting thinner (although if it could hurry up a bit!) there’s nothing transphobic about acknowledging that happens, it’s literally the desired effect!

    If you’re still confused about NB people just know that some do take cross sex hormones to achieve a more androgynous look.

  • I had a hard time understanding how pride helped people, even as a trans woman.

    Like even (nearly) one year I to my transition I still fail to present differently in public because of the shame, I have a hard time with people already and this is a lot, this ruined my motivation to do anything feminine (what’s the point of trying I’ll never look good blah blah) I’m still a bit like this to some extent, but I went to my first pride parade and I’m absolutely stunned, I saw some drag queens and even though they are cis men they manage to look good, they were unapologetic and proud of who they were, and THIS HELPS, heck seing other transfem IRL makes me understand that were all going through something similar and if we wish to be happy and fulfilled we should be out no matter where we are into our transition, it’s honestly making me consider coming out to my friends. Because now I see that I’m not a freak and a good amount of ppl are like me.

    Also I found out that the cute “male” cashier was probably a trans woman and she looks really good, I’m happy for “him”. :)

  • Yeah, the left doesn’t want to make amends and unify. My bet is macron needed an ego boost or something, the socialists and the centrists will unify, so even if they win we get basically the same government. And even then it will be more to the right than it previously was.

    Best case scenario the left union (LFI EELV PCF etc…) goes second turn against the centrists and socialists. That’s assuming we get more leftists and as much centrists as in 2022.

    Worst case scenario the RN and centrists go second turn. This would assume the votes for everyone stay the same, which isn’t true the LFI has gotten more popular but still it’s likely this will happen.