MasterOBee Master/King

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Hahahaha of course the c/politics favorite source for news on Christianity is’s opinion pieces. This is what gets front page on this community?

    Yeah, even if people don’t believe fully in the bible, we can believe in many of the core values that Christianity preaches (that almost all of western civilization as we know it is based on).

    We can understand that two parent households are better for children and the nation. That small communities helping each other is preferable than the government taking money out of our paychecks so they can determine what’s best for us. That the way towards a more unified people is not government overriding and pushing culture.

    Getting to the core of the article, the author doesn’t back up anything that’s said in the title. He references someone who writes for a journal that references someone else referencing someone else that doesn’t like the ‘turn the other cheek’ verse the way the pastor was using it. What a shit article.

  • Lol, you can legally be fired for being gay in KY, TX, NC, TN, GA and so on

    I was actually unaware of is, what law allows this?

    You can’t be fired for being Asian

    Oh you’re just talking about ‘protected classes’?

    That’s a right you have that I don’t.

    Can I get fired for being straight?

    Yes, kids can be taken from queer and queer supporting families. FL passed a law this year allowing the state to take trans kids away from their parents if they receive the proper

    If parents are mutilating kids bodies, I don’t understand how the parents should be able to keep their kids.

    You are arguing in bad faith.

    No I’m not, just because you have to make up answers doesn’t mean it’s in bad faith.

    If your gf was involved in any community work she would have informed you about this.

    She’s very involved with the community, we went to my first pow wow and it was 2s themed this summer!

    So I am to assume you don’t have a gf or she’s she’s calling herself queer after kissing one girl in hs. Your appeal to authority is irrelevant.

    Oh, so we can just deny people their sexual identity now? You’re not queer.