It’s just the right amount of crazy and wacky to feel like it’s straight out of a children’s book. Great art
It’s just the right amount of crazy and wacky to feel like it’s straight out of a children’s book. Great art
Endlich mal Fortschritt!
Gibt es jetzt Historiker hier, die eine Vermutung einer Erklärung haben?
I’ve played the demo and it was terrifying.
Are you sure there is no monster? I could swear there was a launch trailer with a monster in it
Hey im all for giving Bethesda shit for publishing an incredibly bland game, but 8 reviews hardly seem like a solid foundation to make that title.
EDIT : I’ve realised that autocorrect might have gotten you since around 1, 1k user reviews still sit at around 42% positive
Seh ich auch so solange kranke Menschen immerhin zu Ärzten gehen und sich helfen lassen dann bin ich darüber tausendmal froher, als wenn sie versuchen sich selbst mit fragwürdigen Methoden zu heilen.
Love the tree
Yeah I thought this might also cause discomfort
What am I looking at? I’m so lost
Love these animated series. The one with the frog was incredible aswell.
I don’t even have a 144 Hz screen
I’m happy the game is getting some love. Played the demo and thought the game was really unique and solid in what it wanted to be. Sadly my financial situation limits my budget for games otherwise I would have bought it just to show some support for the studio
So really good but buggy (on the console version?)?
I have not idea what this means. Can someone ELI5 me?
Do they just keep your earning in your account until one month your total outstanding earnings breach the 100$ threshold and you’ll receive all your earning in one transaction or does this money get swallowed by steam?
Incredible visuals
That’s just kinky with extra steps
Wunderbare Ausführung. Ich liebe es