Android TV is bad already, their launcher sucks and vendors are required to ship it and contrary to the situation on phones there’s no easy easy to change it to something else.
Or is that Google TV? No idea.
Android TV is bad already, their launcher sucks and vendors are required to ship it and contrary to the situation on phones there’s no easy easy to change it to something else.
Or is that Google TV? No idea.
Der Rauswurf Lindners war keine Kompetenz-, sondern eine Vertrauenssache. Wegen Unvermögens schmeißt man doch keinen Minister raus.
Es gibt auch eine Kompatibilitätsschicht von Windows zu Linux. Was zählt, ist, ob der Anbieter der Fachsoftware explizit Windows on ARM unterstützt. Sonst wird er sich bei jedem kleinen Fehlerchen darauf berufen, dass hierfür kein Supportanspruch besteht.
Deshalb schrieb ich “de facto”. Ja, es gibt Windows on ARM. Aber bieten die Fachanwendungen, wegen der auch oftmals Windows eingesetzt wird, dafür auch Support?
Über diese Gründe hinaus bindet man sich mit Microsoft auch de facto an x86… eine Architektur, für die genau zwei Hersteller entscheiden dürfen, wer dafür Prozessoren bauen darf. Keiner von beiden sitzt in Europa. D.h. wenn es hart auf hart kommt, ist man dort nackt.
Ein Thema, das aber auch erst seit 20 Jahren aktuell ist.
Actually, it’s true.
It is an unpopular opinion
I’d guess this is less about MINIX vs. Linux and more about ultimately having 0 control over or insight into it.
Nun ja. Wenn man es dann sagen würde. Denn so schlimm, wie die Waffe ist, hat die jüngste Geschichte der Ukraine gezeigt, dass mir ihrer Aufgabe auch Sicherheit verloren geht. Wenn nun die USA unter Trump keinen Bock mehr auf NATO haben, bleiben dort noch UK und FR. Von denen ist nur noch einer in der EU. Auf der potentiellen Gegenseite sitzen China und Russland, beide mit eigenen Atomwaffen.
Das Argument kommt allerdings nie von der Union. Dabei ist es aus meiner Sicht sogar das einzig nachvollziehbare.
Remember when those were called image macros?
Ich bin 68 und das ist tief
Same for OpenRCT2, but they’re both not official entries in the series.
Atari hasn’t released anything positively noteworthy for RCT since 3… which turned 20 today if you’re in Europe.
“Yes, we ruined one of Sawyer’s series, but what about a second one?”
The only thing that feels off when playing it today are the somewhat finicky movements
Super Metroid is so good. But you’re right. The controls are… not great.
If you can live with playing a ROMhack, give Super Metroid Project Base a try. It feels so much better to play. The map isn’t quite the same as the original - I consider it an improvement, but it’s not exactly the same.
I just wish the SM /LttP randomizer had the option to enable the new movement.
Star fox 64? I can play the shit out of that right now.
Played this game a lot when it was new, then kind of ditched it completely later. But I often have to think about how good it actually was.
Played both as a kid and found them really cool
0 desire to touch them nowadays and wouldn’t recommend younger people to experience them
And it’s not like I don’t like the old games I played back then, I play a lot of Super Mario World from time to time (though in fairness exclusively ROMhacks except about every 10 years where I look at the original again). Sonic Adventure for me just didn’t age well.
But that’s fine, not every game has to be a timeless classic. I have good memories of the games and that’s what’s important
What about 7?
Lol, at first I thought this had to do with zlib, akin to the xz situation some time ago.
I’ve played the game shortly hoping for it to be a mix between Isaac and Noita. However, the game failed to grab my attention for longer, as the wand building mechanic is way inferior to Noita, though the custom wand properties sure are nice, and remaining loadout and options were worse than what I remember from Isaac.
All this doesn’t obviously mean the game is bad, apart from maybe the cringe story. However, measured against the giants - I’d also include Enter the Dungeon here for presentation - it currently falls short.
No onions?
I don’t think that will solve the “some packages are kinda old” issue.