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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • We still need to prevent reddit admins from stepping in and replacing mods for disrupting the sub. Which is why other subs are making a big show of making a poll and just following what wins (i.e. they changed sub rules to follow community decision rather than disruptively deciding to remove it of their own accord). Letting admins know that it’s rotting because of reddit decision and not because of mod decision.

    No matter what tho, even if the mods do get replaced (and with lackluster moderation tools), it’s never going to return to the same old r/PH. Ang takot ko lang naman ay makitang mahalintulad sa sino yung sub.

  • Has to be better than that.

    Pics/Videos/GIFs of John Oliver still fall within the sub name (r/pics, r/videos, r/GIFs) which implicitly places limitations on the theme surrounding the sub. They also conducted polls where the outcome was decided by the community. This way, mods have technically complied with reddit rules and are shown not to own the sub, hence, are simply allowing it to open according to community decision. This allows the mods to keep their positions and not get replaced by the worst people (for example, the worst case scenario is getting an apologist replacing the mods).

    Dickbutts are a few too many degrees away from what r/Philippines should be about and might get the mods replaced for disrupting the sub. Just look at how r/interestingasfuck is going to comply with admin demands by just removing all subreddit rules (i.e. post anything you find interesting).

    That’s the kind of malicious compliance we want.