Calling an unloaded gun loaded, is not responsible. With peoples willingness to deduct dangerous theories, they will conclude that if a gun is loaded even when its not, then i can as well keep it loaded at all times.
Calling an unloaded gun loaded, is not responsible. With peoples willingness to deduct dangerous theories, they will conclude that if a gun is loaded even when its not, then i can as well keep it loaded at all times.
Not that long so i guess i’ve never been trully inside the loop then.
I guess i’ve been out of the loop for too long.
With is that…
EVE would have been great if CCP wrent so greedy. Its just too expel sive to be fun. Paying this kind of money, for a game every month turns a game into a job that you feel you have to play, even when you’d rather try something else, just to get the subscriptions worth out of it.
The mods and admins are the real risk. Not saying that they are, but they can very likely become the ones who ruin lemmy
So cool, so wise!
Irrelevant and foreseeable ‘news’
For now, or are they going to pull a ‘sony move’ on us?
Works fine for me! No problems at all i seems
Det er sjovt fordi blinde kan vel ikke se tegnsprog 😅
I dag har man blindetolkning som en selvfølgelighed
Hvad er blindetolkning?
No its fine! But the whole world has left and right in their political spectrum, yet every comment in here is about USA (and one(?) about France)
When the whole world is USA!
The difference here is free choice
As mentioned, it probably is excess of nutrients caused by too much food or/and in adequate filtration.
That said, a water test would be the best what of answering your question.
Do you keep an eye on your parameters? Can you let us know what your ammonia nitrite and nitrate values are?
So… i dont quite understand… can 16 year olds buy alcohol even though its illegal for them to? Would it just be considered ‘wrong’? Can you walk down the street with an unconcealed beer and not get fined even though its prohibited? Would it just be a weird thing to do?
At respekter sprog, er vist ikke et krav for et risfælleskab. Måske du ligger for meget vægt på “fælleskabs” delen af det ord. Rigsfællesskabet er ikke en venlig og frivilig klub hvor alle medlemmerne skal have lige rettigheder. Det er jo nok også det, som det i sidste ende handler om. Grønland har ikke lyst til at være en del af rigsfællesskabet. Det vil være selvstændigt.
Der sker store skridt i den retning, men jeg kan ikke se at det her hjælper på nogen måde
The Americans are up!