Neither is Henry Kissinger, first time he’s ever missed one
Neither is Henry Kissinger, first time he’s ever missed one
Do what pays the bills while you figure out what sort of trade work you might enjoy, look for paid training/apprenticeship spots, low voltage automation controls is a tech field that interacts with the trade a lot, I’m a maintenance tech and interact with our controls guy all the time.
For federal offices yes, for state offices it would require a constitutional amendment. I think Maine is decently progressive despite the second district.
And that’s why “One bad apple spoils the bunch.”
You’re being downvoted because your post can be interpreted as victim blaming, even though I don’t think you meant it that way.
Can Maine come too?
Thank you for putting words to that, even if I am tearing up at work
Unless all of their net worth burned up in the fire it might be difficult for some people to feel bad for them when they’ll just buy another house from their luxury hotel room, or more likely, second or third home.
Counterpoint, “the wheels on the bus in fact, go round and round.”
And in big, friendly letters it said “LOL GG EZ KYS”
Who doesn’t charge their phone when they sleep at night?
Is what a clever bot would say to capitalize on the comment above to divert attention from themselves.
Don’t forget about the seal ring around the washing machine door!
I wouldn’t be able to stand up for others as effectively if I hadn’t been at least somewhat hardened by the bullshit and bullying by now.
Unfortunately HTFU is valuable advice in a lot of blue collar spheres. When I give it I typically caveat that it’s only a shell, and you have to remember how to take it off.
I work in long term care and the CNAs make ~18/hr. I’m maintenance and make 21. Make that make sense.
That’s kind of classist ngl, implying that you should only get married if you can afford a two week international vacation?
Or European, but that’s still holding something over my American, married on a beach by my mother in law, right back to work, no honeymoon no money for gifts no vacation time to take anyway ass.
But I understand the sentiment, I’d been with my partner 11 years before we got married, we knew how bad it could get without being the Griswalds
"It offends my sensibilities and conflicts with my world view, thus it is wrong "
That’s not how criminal law works, actually. In criminal courts the State brings charges regardless of the victims wishes.
Is there a c/confidentlyincorrect ?
I’m always so glad that this is the instance I chose to join in the Great Migration, and equally glad that I’ve been welcome here. Keep up the awesome work and thank you for keeping the communication so open.