• 43 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2024


  • Tragically, the same thing happened to my BD and Love & Rockets collections when I was unable to work and had to leave a group house I was living in at the time (mid 90’s). Naturally I meant to go back and get those, but life was too topsy-turvy for me, so it never happened. Part of why 99% of my comics collections are now digital, which does have the handy side-effect of making it easy to post high-quality excerpts here.

    It’s crazy how much personal stuff people loose during their lives, when moving or just borrowing them away and not getting them back. I like to imagine that there is a hidden subspace bubble somewhere in the time space continuum (like that weird floating house in the third season of Twin Peaks, just less scary), where all these lost things end up, neatly organized on shelves, sorted by former owner, year of production, cause of loss and so on, in an eternally existing kind of museum, ran by a species whose culture revolves around lost stuff that had significant personal value to it’s former owner, because they are fascinated by emotional bonds and especially love for inanimate objects, which they perceive and (thanks to their unique cerebral structure) also receive, as the purest form of psycho-emotional energy in the universe.

    Damn, I wish Jean Giraud was still alive and could make a comic based on this idea :)

  • As I recall, the Paperino (Donald Duck) stories were always better than the Topolino (Mickey Mouse) ones.

    Indeed! Mickey Mouse Stories were most of the time just classic crime stories with Mickey as the investigator, which simply gets old after a few times. Donald on the other hand is a bit like Homer Simpson, you just can´t help but feel his troubles and feel sympathy for the kind-hearted underdog, especially considering how he is treated by his billionaire uncle.

    There’s nothing quite like a good Paperino freak-out authored in Italian

    That must be even more funny! There is probably no better language for it!

    Plus they came up with new characters like Paperinik.

    In the german version his name is Phantomias. That name sounds like it was inspired by Fantômas, which is weird because Fantômas was, as you might know not a hero but on the contrary, the first supervillain in pop culture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantômas

  • I wish I’d read Dune recently, but it’s been some years, and everything Dune-related sort of blends together in my mind in to an amorphous fog. That’s based on reading books 1-4, I think. They weren’t hard to read for me, but they contained so many ideas and content that I feel I’d almost need an academic course to put everything in perspective and examine the various themes properly.

    Absolutely, I reread Dune every few years and Frank Herberts´s style and ideas impress me every time again.

    I was never really interested in SW but I have been watching ST from an early age. ST ist the perfect stuff to run when I just want to chill, it almost became a kind of screensaver for me.

  • Haha, that was a bit of a wacky post above.

    I liked it!

    Yesterday I finished off a huge job on Calvin’s apartment

    I am happy you made it on time, well done!

    treated myself to some of his fine booze Oh, my head…


    Anyway, yeah, I think you have the spirit of scanlation. Other definitions you’ll find online. It’s a bit of a touchy subject, as we don’t want to take away proper royalties to the creators, you know? Part of why we say ‘extracts are fine, but no pirated links!’ in the sidebar.

    Im am undecided in the matter, I want artists to get every penny they deserve for their work. On the other hand, I think most people who pirate graphic novels do it because otherwise they simply could not afford reading them. At the same time people who can afford buying graphic novels will often pirate and then buy the stuff they like, so pirating can even increase sales.

    Anyway, I’m not sure if I’m fully “back” yet, but we’ll see.

    No pressure mate, take your time.

    I really appreciate your focus on Jodo’s Dune series lately

    Thank you, happy that you like it!

    and in any case, there’s a HUGE archive of posts here for anyone wanting more EGN+ content! :D

    Exactly! Just think of our first few months streak for example. I think I have to go back sometime and look at all those cool posts! :D