Grail (capitalised)

They/Them, capitalised

Writer of the most popular Soulist Manifesto and the article about how John Wick is communist. Read My blog:

  • 45 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023


  • So, just to clarify, you think that being against the monarchy is suspicious? I thought this was a progressive community where anarchist opinions like “kill monarchs” were taken as normal. But if you want the mods to take action against users for being against the monarchy, I’m sure you can suggest a rule change. Because your conspiracy theory that every anti-monarchist is the same person sure seems like the kind of liberalism that this community was created to get away from.

  • Of course there’s lots of australians who hate the monarchy. Australia is a very progressive country. My university has a socialist club, a marxist club, and a soulist club. My city has protests for Palestinian liberation that hundreds of people attend every two weeks. I don’t mean to say that our government is very progressive (Although our right wing party are called Liberals and they have the same platform as US Democrats). I mean to say that progressive movements in Australia are very strong. Last election I voted for the socialist party, the legalise weed party, the piracy party, and the environmentalist party. We have multiple different major socialist orgs that show up at every major protest to hand out merch, and are often working together with the various groups running the various protests. Not to mention all of the smaller action groups like the drummers and of course the antirealists.

    Americans might not be used to the level of progressivism you encounter in Australia, so it can be a bit of a culture shock. For example we had a few Proud Boys over from America a few years ago. HAD. They gave up because every time they showed up to counterprotest, thousands of australians would call them Nazis and tell them to fuck off. They needed a wall of police around them or they would have been beaten up, and they were sure scared shitless. On a more mundane note, if you go to ANY professional or academic or hobbyist meeting, they will tend to open with an acknowledgement of country, talking about systemic racism against aboriginals and the legacy of whatever land the meeting takes place on. Everyone does it, it’s completely normal here.

    So yes, you’re going to see a lot of us australian anarchists about if Lemmy continues to be an international forum of discussion. This isn’t Reddit, you’re not going to be insulated from the rest of the world in your Americube. And no, I am not any of those other people. I’m not even My partner.

  • Well, I’d like to be able to say you should fight for victims. When I was alone and felt isolated by the abuse, that was the worst My trauma got. When I had friends who were willing to stand up to My bullies, I felt empowered. But, see, My abusers had friends standing up for them, who thought they were helping victims. So knowing who’s the victim and who’s the abuser is just as important as having that drive to help others. The message of the #metoo movement is only half the equation. People who want to do the right thing but won’t think critically and learn the truth are worse than bystanders.

    Thinking like a scientist is a good way to find the truth in any situation. I’ve helped other victims of harassment and rape. I always started out by thinking like a scientist. A good first test is: “Is the supposed victim actually making concrete claims?” I had an abuser who said I abused her, but it never told a single soul how. One of its partners stayed friends with Me and tried to figure out how, and never got a straight answer. Didn’t think the abuser even had one itself. It believed I had abused it, but there wasn’t a how. The dozens of people who believed it, they were operating on vibes and trust. They didn’t even try to verify the claims, because they didn’t hear the claims. There were no claims. So if you think like a scientist and try to verify the claims, you might find there’s nothing to verify and your friend is a liar. That’s a good way to do it.

    Another issue is realism. My best friend was raped in the astral plane. Xe has schizophrenia, and experiences text roleplay as real. A lot of otherkin and plural systems I know experience roleplay as real, schizophrenia or no schizophrenia. But in this case xe had no options. Physically tried to extricate ximself from sexual contact, the rapist pinned xim down and kept going. Thinking everything is fine, this is just part of the roleplay. The rapist in that situation made a lot of choices after the fact that turned a misunderstanding into something unforgivable. Never apologised, used DARVO, etc. But a lot of bystanders, even in the otherkin community, didn’t care because it wasn’t “real”. The contact didn’t occur on the material plane. A lot of abuse is going to occur in ways that most people aren’t used to dealing with. A lot of abuse is going to involve schizophrenia or otherkin or these other “weird” things. You need to adapt your thinking to the context and empathise with everyone involved, understand the motivations from every perspective. Sticking to your preconceptions of realism and denying the pain a rape victim feels isn’t productive.

    That’s two things I saw that got in the way of the truth, and how to deal with them. But I’m still searching for answers on a lot of the subtler reasons why people side with abusers. I’ve been getting a lot better at the practicalities of fighting abusers. Recently I exposed a pedophile ring and have been dismantling the pedophile’s cult, with a lot of success. But the lessons I learned that helped Me do that are more applicable to victims and journalists than to bystanders.

  • Yeah, I realised I was wrong when someone else in this thread subscribed. I started seeing the posts on the community update, but not the modlog. I was hoping it would just take a few hours for everything to federate, but no dice. The ban is about to time out in a couple hours anyway, so I think I’ll just wait.

    Federation of community content is community based, though, and I can prove it. Take a community that nobody on Aussie Zone is subscribed to, and look at it from Aussie Zone. It’ll look empty. Subscribe, wait ten minutes, refresh the page, and you’ll see the most recent 20 or so posts appear. You can do the experiment with any small or new community that not many people here would know about. Just browse the trending communities thingy on another instance, and look for one with a couple of posts. For example, [email protected] and [email protected] both look empty from Aussie Zone right now. If you subscribe, you’ll start seeing days-old posts appearing. Assuming nobody else from here subscribes to them in the intervening time.

  • I do believe in erasing the experiences of minorities. If I were living in Germany in 1939, I’d erase the experiences of the Jew living in My basement while talking to the Gestapo. I erase My own experiences all the time. I misgender Myself to stay in the closet to avoid violence. Never been out as goddessgender at work or school.

    If what you are advocating is total exposure of all information having to do with minorities, you’re talking about actions that will get people killed. That’s why Republicans are trying to pass laws to require ID for Pornhub, you know. They want to know all about the lived experiences of gay and trans people by analysing our porn habits, so they can do violence against us. What you’re speaking in favour of is genocide.

    I am glad it was just a mistake, but it was a mistake that you prevented Me from fixing the easy way. I couldn’t report the comment, couldn’t reply. So I made this post, and had to put up with being grilled on My pronoun usage and told My identity is evil by various people. I didn’t defend any oppressive systems, I outlined a strategy to just shut up for a few months until it’s safe to act again without causing a genocide. I didn’t break rule 2. But you did break rules 5 and 8. Shouting down leftism. No open discussion. I did everything I could to play by the rules and disagree with you politely. Maybe instead of making an exception for Me, it’s time to actually enforce your community’s rules by not being so ban-happy with everyone. What happened today was bound to happen eventually and it’s going to keep happening as long as nobody’s allowed to have an open discussion about the election on your community. Everyone who disagrees being banned is not an open discussion.