For or
For or
I did 4 things, that helped me a lot:
alias cem=’cd /home/drops/.config/emacs’
alias. .=’cd. . && ls’
Three points for two levels up, etc…
Name all directories lowercase, 3-5 letters long, and try to avoid directories with the same starting letter as siblings That way you can use tab completion with just a single letter
Use the option to jump to subdirectories of /home/user from everywhere.
Nope, I switched back to X11 after I found, that xdotool couldn’t work with Wayland, and ydotool doesn’t support window handling.
I ordered them and wow. Five days from order to my desk was amazingly fast. FedEx just rang my bell, and the keycaps are perfect. They have the much appreciated tactile hint under the index finger.
My code: YUZKC8
That is the layouter I was always looking for, to get keycaps for my heavily modified Neo-layout on a Moonlander keyboard.
I think, I will order it anyways, and hope to win the refund.
Ich denke der beste Schritt ist, andere Menschen anzustecken. Am besten indem sie sehen wie mühelos das bei dir geht, und wie wenig Lebensfreude du damit verlierst. Das ist, glaube ich, das, wovor viele Menschen Angst haben. Dass es Mühe macht, und das es den Spass am Leben verdirbt.
Also einfach Vorbild sein und Gelassenheit ausstrahlen. Nicht missionieren.
Hat gefühlt 20 Minute gedauert, also durchaus schnell
This is the fediverse. Depending on which service you are, and what software you use, you see either my blog article on
or the Feddit server I posted this Link on. You got the latter, and it’s web interface is throwing that error. I informed the admin.