Not yet, the new card should arrive tonight. It’s actually a SC847BE2C supermicro chassis but it’s getting close to being ready for a new motherboard/cpu/ram
Not yet, the new card should arrive tonight. It’s actually a SC847BE2C supermicro chassis but it’s getting close to being ready for a new motherboard/cpu/ram
This is exactly the route I decided to go down. Should be arriving this evening :D Thank you
I’d love to have gone that route, but was looking for a quick solution which ended up being the Nvidia GT 710
Would be nice, but the motherboard (GA-X99-UD4) is a desktop board with no serial out.
I was very close to doing this as I could repurpose it for video transcoding but ended up going with the Nvidia GT 710.
I thought about that, as I have a few spare USB->DVI and USB->VGA adapters but I don’t think they are usable during the BIOS post.
While a great idea, and I would love to do so. This is a desktop motherboard in a server chassis, with no serial/usb output. It is a Gigabyte GA-X99-UD4. I ended up picking up a Nvidia GT 710.
Been waiting for this functionality since my P6P! Can’t wait to try it out
You hit the nail on the head for me. I’m not a fan of Google, but for the cost spread across a few people, it’s actually not a bad price. Knowing the creators I watch actually helps justify
I rarely dream but have not noticed if it was color or black and white. I’d guess that it was color if I had to say one way or the other
Somewhat tired, but looking forward to spending the day with my almost 11 month old
Sadly nothing :( family is coming out for the long weekend for a visit and to help with renovations. Otherwise I would be playing Starfield and Minecraft (Mechanical Mastery)
This is it exactly. The ones that exist are ok, but not on par with what chrome provides. That said, I still use Firefox whenever possible
I’ve been having intermittent connectivity issues, it typically requires that I restart my p6p to resolve. For whatever reason there are times that AA just won’t connect properly… Or at all
Pixel 6 Pro here, had been using Nova Launcher for ages and purchased a license for it. Once it changed owners I swapped to Hyperion launcher, while it is decent and has similar functionality to Nova is just not quite the same. I suppose it depends on how picky you are about privacy…
The big one for me is kubernetes, that said I have an unraid main and a thin Client I use to experiment with it