But, does that make lupus Moriarty then?
I’m just kidding, I already knew about the House/Holmes connection because I’m terminally online.
But, does that make lupus Moriarty then?
I’m just kidding, I already knew about the House/Holmes connection because I’m terminally online.
As someone who has the mechanism mount mainly for the Kickstand, the Mechanism guy is just doing shit. He made a GoPro adapter and then stuck the Steam Deck on everything he could for the marketing email.
It is a dumb idea, he even mentioned that in the email.
Alternatively, Rosebud;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;! - Sims 1 for those times you wanna have a rich family from the start and move_objects on for when God needs to be their butler.
Wear a mask so Elon’s spy camera network doesn’t ID.
That last bit was my thought too, I ain’t taking a pager from that dude. Gold or otherwise.
To be fair, Duncan knew it and technically there are realities with no survivors from that ritual… There are also realities where it appears your Gray Warden has been running around spiking people’s drinks with dark spawn blood because how the hell do we keep getting more wardens? It’s possible that the knowledge was really lost due to a few Wardens thinking “No, I won’t repeat that.”
The truth of the matter is, no one can bring themselves to put taint that many times in the modern games.
Because of other STi owners?
OMB clarified that VA benefits and PELL Grants are not included.
I’m sure that’ll change in… Forty seconds or so but as it stands now, the leopards have delayed eating those faces for now.
Because the Venn diagram is a circle.
I had an IKEA desk for three years before some movers damaged it in a cross country move. When they dropped it off the left hand side had snapped and they were like “that was like that when we picked it up.”
So, I went out and got a new IKEA desk with the money from that and I’ve had that desk for eight or nine years now. It’s been moved between houses four times and has not had an issue.
It’s great value peanut butter. It is easier to clarify that as a semi solid oil than actual peanut butter. Feel free to be jealous but that’s not ‘good’ peanut butter. It’s better than nothing but only just.
I cancelled Prime over a year ago and for some reason I still get “Prime” delivery. I don’t get the games, movies, or Twitch stuff but if I order something it shows up faster than when my partner does.
So, I don’t hate that about Amazon… Everything else keeps me from ordering there unless there’s no other options.
About a decade ago I had a Fitbit and wearing it caused my wrist to break out in a rash. I sent a picture of said wrist to Customer Support and they gave me a full refund on it.
Now, I’ve not had a watch cause me to break out like that since and I’ve also never owned any of the other brands on this list… Now you got me wondering.
Mr. Noodle, are you not familiar with the abomination that is the cursive n?
I’ve always had Canon. I’ve worked with their professional trainers. C100s, 5Ds, R5… All of them.
Good thing I’ve also used Nikon and Sony as well. Guess when I finally get sick of the R50 I just use around the house in… Ten years or so I’ll see who in the game isn’t a shit head.
So, I guess I’ll never buy another camera, eh?
Even better, let me know if y’all are offloading any good RF glass! I’ll pay bottom dollar!
I believe in science. I believe that the study show that (because I haven’t read them). I believe that I will continue using my phone because even with good efforts my body is still killing itself happily.
So, fuck you body. Dopamine rectangle goes brrrrrr.
I’ve tried a few times to really wrap my head around Usenet and I’ve got a couple of bookmarked tabs but… Man, I even had trouble setting up the arrs. My brain might be a bit too smooth these days.
I go by main genre - so Action, Adventure, RPG, ARPG, Rhythm, VR, you get it.
Then a Beaten, Beaten 100%, Shelved, “The Bin”, and a “Multiplayer” category. Games are allowed in multiple categories. The Bin does not hold many games, you’ve gotta earn being thrown in the trash.
That way, when I think, “I wanna play a Rogue Like” I don’t have to recall all their titles or anything. Then my Steam Deck came around and the default big picture view makes my sorting… Mostly useless.
Below the rack should be the counter. Not a long fall. Not like it’s mounted over the baby’s crib or something.
Max Payne runs in Linux and did not run on the same hardware on Windows, year of Linux confirmed.