Let’s get this party started
Let’s get this party started
It will be weird going to vote in 2026 whilst living in a fascist totalitarian dictatorship. Will there only be one choice to vote for?
Sure China, nothing to see here.
It was valuable because enough people accepted that it was valuable. It’s really that simple. Our money is backed by “the full faith and credit of the US government”. What is that really worth?
There is one party closely associated with judging others and is filled with elitist snobs.
I’ll never understand liberals need to distance themselves from those who disagree with their opinions while simultaneously asking for their vote. You really need to engage and find common ground with those you disagree with to win their vote.
It’s funny that so many actually believed his BS. All so they could convince themselves they were “the good people”. It’s just so ridiculous.
Yes i dont have a problem with how Australia or New Zealand run their countries. They can ban whomever they wish. I do have a problem with people wishing we would implement these same standards as it would be a clear violation of freedom of speech. It sucks the kiwis are so limited in their ability to express themselves or their opinions but that is what they got.
Yes freedom of speech ends at criminal action or illegal behavior. That is where those boundaries exist. If they do not end at that juncture then where do they end?
It is pretty simple. If an action\opinion is deemed threatening then laws are created to stop that action\opinion. If there is no law making it illegal then it is just an opinion. So you can have a flag with a swastika, a confederate flag, BLM, OR LGBTQ.
Threatening others is a crime. Generating false AI videos to harm another person’s reputation is a crime. Opinions are not crimes. It’s really not that complicated. People want to pretend it is complicated so they can control what can be said to gain power. Really not complicated.
If you are a person who doesn’t defend freedom of speech then you are not a defender of democracy. You can’t have one without the other.
No one is threatening anyone. Democrats are just trying to reassemble their base after losing the latest election.
If you break into a home you get what you deserve and that includes insults and\or deletion.
Tell me more about these naked fascist media sites. Do you have any examples?
Why does he have to be taken in by “fascist doctrine”? Maybe he just disagrees with your worldview. Get him a book on personal finance and investing. Obviously he will be taking care of you when you’re elderly.
More people wanted change and now they are going to receive it. Democracy worked.
NPR has an obvious liberal bias. Ive listened for over 20 years and it is the truth. It is what it is.
There are no Nazis. You sound just like Putin justifying his invasion of Ukraine.