Brilliant minds think alike.
Brilliant minds think alike.
Also .00000668 AU
Knew a pilot who’s nickname was über. Last name? Guay.
A lot of the issues you mentioned get solved in season 2. I think there was a network shift and the camera work got better. Later on Amazon pumped a lot of money into the show as well. It’s really worth the watch and I’d love to hear back from you if you do.
If you’re a gamer there’s a Telltale game that follows this account’s namesake. Camina Drummer.
The writers did a fantastic job writing all the dialogue in the books. I would argue it’s on par or even better than the show. Which is hard, considering the writers for the books produced and even wrote the screenplays for the show.
As someone who shares a line of work with Bobby Draper and many other characters, the military jargon and quips are also spot on. Never have I heard such accurate lingo and expression in sci-fi.
The Expanse may be the best bit of sci-fi I have ever had the joy to watch and read.
Reading this felt like the computer version of whatever the SAW movies are.
Torture porn? It’s so repugnant but I want more.
Right, but now go say some lightly left leaning things in one of those communities and watch the vitriol roll in.
Like I said, little people, big internet.
I’d argue it happens just as much in right wing spaces. People with soap boxes want to make sure nobody listening to them will rebuke them.
It’s small people in big spaces. People want to feel secure and reassured in their feelings. Presently, it may seem as though left leaning spaces use these purity tests more frequently but I would argue that’s the result of under-representation in modern politics.
Many left leaning folks have to vehemently defend the feelings they hold in their hearts. Meanwhile right wing folks get to say “I feel what I feel! You know in your hearts it’s the moral thing to do! Anyone who opposes is immoral”
So, you end up with a lot of leftists who have to carve out safer spaces for conversation. I think, because the societal default opinion for leftists is that they hold immoral stances. ie: socialists, communists, anarchists. They seem evil to outsiders.
Average 3rd Age user of 2nd age artefacts.
To be fair the body thing was the first branch Davidians that broke ties with the seven day Adventist Church. By the time David Koresh took power the splinter religion would see two more leadership changes.
It’s weird but the Branch Davidians /=/ David Koresh’s Branch Davidians.
It’s explained in the first 5ish minutes of this video.
Yeah that’s why I’m curious. I read at about 350WPM so what I consider a fast read may be slow for some.
It also depends on the density of the text. I’ve been struggling through Imperialism by Lenin for like a month.
I’m just curious. How long would you consider a reasonably quick read expressed in hours?
It’s winter in Canada. Well below freezing.
They’re homeless.
They need food.
Shut the fuck up lol
You ever been homeless? I have. Only thing you seem to have less of is a brain.
That they are. I just found them recently. They’re certainly out of my usual wheelhouse but I’ve really been enjoying a lot of old folk and country. This kinda bridges the gap perfectly.
You ever hear of a duffel bag? Shopping cart? Ruck sack?
What the hell man. Are you really advocating that a homeless person shouldn’t have access to food because they don’t have reliable access to storage you deem acceptable?
Unironically check your privilege, homie.
It means it gives off middle child vibes. What more do you want?
People round these parts say the day first, then the month. Anything else is attention seeking middle child vibes.
You may really enjoy Bridge City Sinners then!
They do mostly Bluegrass/Folk but they have this metal vibe to a lot of their stuff. Their vocalist is fantastic and the song I linked feels like I’d be in the middle of a Cowboy Saloon barfight.
$3.94 CAD/2.74 USD at food basics in rural Ontario.
$2 for 12 eggs from a friend’s chickens.
Not OP but here’s some personal experience: I had a really hard time agreeing to create training with my dog. I found the entire ordeal stressful for myself until I started to see the benefits.
When the dog needs a break from a dangerous or stressful situation they have somewhere just for them. The cats can’t get to them. If I’m in the kitchen with her and I need her out of the way, she now knows that her bed or crate is a good place to go to avoid being stepped on.
At night, the crate stays open but she crawls in there to go to sleep. Brings her toys in there or special treats she wants to hide from the cats.
It also helps if she ever has to go to a kennel or, like others have said, a groomer that needs to hold her for a bit.
Overall, when I analyze it deeply I feel remorse for getting a living creature used to living in a box. But, she’s never in there for long and it’s always a rewarding experience with treats and tons of praise afterward. Many people may find the process unsavoury as I did. Even though I disagree to an extent… I listened to expert opinion and I’m glad I did.