So what’s the alternative to combatting Russian and Chinese imperialism as a western-born leftist?
How would/should an organised socialist military industrial complex shake out and not also be labeled imperialist? As someone who hasn’t read Lenin, what is the solution to creating a society we dream of without the “big stick” that is NATO?
I’ll just add that according to modern Laws of Armed Conflict (LOAC) the current definition of a military target may include schools, hospitals, religious sites and culturally relevent monuments should they be used by enemy forces.
Even in WW1 and WW2 when these rules were being written, if your enemy was hiding in a church, that was okay. But if they stored munitions or fired from the church, it and everyone in it would be considered valid military targets.
It was designed that way in order to stop soldiers from hiding in hospitals and schools saying “You can’t shoot us, there are women, children and the sick in here” while they used that amnesty to kill countless others.
Just a distinction a lot of people tend to miss when they talk about “The Geneva Convention.”