• 7 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2024


  • Thanks! Yeah , this is great !

    I’m thinking of creating some sort of space where people can share their generator settings with each other.

    So for example , if Bob has configured the fusion generator to generate " frogs on a beach" or something , he can save the settings he used and upload them to a shared directory

    Then Alice can download that savefile , load it into the generator and generate “frogs on a beach” on her device.

    It would be nice to have an Image URL to go with every .json file , but I don’t think I can do that since there is no way for me to moderate that properly.



    Been on a hiatus from the AI chat , but I’m thinking a similiar feature could be even more useful there.

    E.g Instead of inventing a scenario , or inventing a character to chat with , I pick a json file from a public directory with a scenario and/or character and load it into the AI chat generator

    Again; this would also be a good feature to use with an URL image.

    So you browse a gallery , click an image of “a frog on a beach” with lots of upvotes , and the .json file is loaded into the AI chat and you can have a conversation with “a frog on a beach”


    Extra sidenote :

    A “global” image gallery could be pretty cool.

    So all perchance AI generators that upload to the folder “global” will all upload to to the same folder.

    And if you click the image you get a link to the generator it was uploaded from.

    Can be a cool discovery tool for users , and a way to encourage competition between generator creators.

  • Good that you raised this issue Allo. @[email protected]

    My generator : https://perchance.org/fusion-ai-image-generator

    Key points for me:

    1. I think that the admin of a generator is entitled to delete/hide images at will from their gallery.

    2. In addition , I think the admin should able to manually sort images into the NSFW and SFW category (assuming such a feature does not interfere with ad-revenue prospects for the perchance website ) .

    3. Also, the admin should be allowed to move images to different folders. So if I have NSFW images in my gallery , instead of deleting them I can move them to a folder called “nsfw” or something and let users decide what to do with them there

    4. Not related , but I would also like for there to be a way for users to comment on images posted to the gallery.

    5. Also not related , but if point 4) is too much work , then being able to access previously uploaded images to your generator with a function call , e.g "getGalleryImage( _id ) " would work fine with me too. Then I could code my own image gallery , where users can comment on images.

    6. Not related either , but switching between gallery subfolders is pretty bothersome at the moment. I’d like to be able to switch gallery folders using either tabs or a button press or something.