it may be slow right now, but it’s inevitable

  • DoctorPlasmatronOP
    10 months ago

    right on! Still slowly booking them too, haven’t had a raise in 4 years though, so not doing direct buys as much as I’d like. I persevere.

    Next one is pic #69, started drawing it today, hoping it turns out nice!

      10 months ago

      It’s a nickel and dime situation over here too. Holidays are putting the squeeze on me, and as bullish as I am ultimately it’s an investment and I can’t invest what I really don’t feel I can loose and still (as you eloquently put it) persevere. They control the price for now, and I don’t want to set myself up to have to potentially sell at their artificially deflated prices because I didn’t stay liquid enough and experience a job loss, massive medical bills, etc.

      Looking forward to #69 (nice), genuinely. I’m not here to blow smoke up your ass; this whole series is recognizably yours and stylistically it just fuckin’ slaps to me. Thanks for making and sharing so regularly! It continues to delight.

      • DoctorPlasmatronOP
        10 months ago

        sounds like you have a solid head on your shoulders when it comes to investing, i worry about apes yolo’ing beyond their means, or setting themselves up for having to sell some shares to make the bills… I still hold small numbers compared to a lot of the purple circles I see getting posted, but I’m OK with that, I have lots of experience making things go a long way, and I don’t need enough tendies to buy an island, just to do some good. That said, I’d still take island-level tendies if it comes! Doctor Plasmatron’s Island For Wayward Freakoids has a nice ring to it.

        I’m finishing up pic 69 tonight, i think it’s turning out pretty good, nothing mind blowing, but will still appeal I suspect (grin). Thanks for the kind words on it, I never wanted my drawings to be appreciated by anyone but IRL friends, but it seems there’s a handful of apes out in the world that also enjoy them, so i guess the real treasure is the friends we made along the way. ;-)