Would it be okay if I use a 1tb micro sd card not labeled “high endurance?”
What can happen if I use a regular v30 micro sd card. Will it overheat or cause frames to cut?
Could using regular sd cards damage security camera?
I have a security camera and I am interested in getting a 1tb micro sd card just to have longer history video log. I only see 512gb “high endurance” available. Micron, which their promotion is for security camera is 1.5tb but I don’t see any mention that their product is high endurance. Just stating longer video logs. Sandisk sells 1.5tb as well for an affordable price.
Kioxia stated that they might release a 2tb micro sd card this year.
For now, I just want your opinions on using non-high endurance micro sd card for security camera
Security camera records 2k resolution
I never had a problem even with the cheapest cards, but it is best to find a camera that can upload to a network share.