Also funny (but also sad) video from AngryCops (A drill sergant, video is on the same topic but brings in some specific examples).
Also funny (but also sad) video from AngryCops (A drill sergant, video is on the same topic but brings in some specific examples).
Aayup, and you get a bunch more pre deployment.
Refusing the vaccine was never about concern about vaccines though, it’s about swearing fealty to the insurrectionist far right and identifying yourself as such.
“Far right insurrectionists”.
Do you even think before you spout such nonsense? So all refuseniks are far right? Wow.
In the military? 1000%.
They were cool getting 100 shots at join and 100 more to deploy - Until Daddy insurrection announced that vaccines were actually Fauci controlling them with Bill Gates microchips and they all agreed that makes total sense.
Fuck off faschie.
Wtf are you on about? Swearing fealty? It was a vaccine that had been pushed through without proper testing.