If you had to pick one, who do we “hate” the most? And why…
Personally, I feel like the nod goes to Denver.
Once the chargers get a better coaching scheme we’re going to be fighting it out for the next 5 years straight
Queefs hands down
As long as the Chiefs own us, I hate them the most. Every win against them is a beautiful fuckin day
Last time was 2020, Jesus “magic man” Christ
The League.
I have a general distaste for the Broncos & Chiefs. But I love to beat the Chargers. Like I shouldn’t be so happy about it. I love that it’s pretty much a 2nd home game. Even all the years in San Diego. It was great watching Phillip Rivers be such a crybaby & How they’ve been crying to their fans to show up against us for years. It is well known that Raider Nation runs that shit.
Chiefs. I hate them with a passion
Chiefs annoy me the most
Broncos by far. Then KC. I’d put the Steelers and 9’ers over the Chargers because LAC is kind of irrelevant.
Historically Broncos. Cureently Chiefs
Mark Davis.
For me all of em, they all get on my nerves but since I live in SoCal I’ve been seeing more and more Charger fans surprisingly and they’re in fact very annoying… they talk up a storm just to choke in crucial moments 😂😂 at least I get a laugh out of it
Denver. Lame as fuck franchise. Chiefs I never really cared too much about and the Chargers are forever a joke
Ourselves most of the time.
Donkeys Queefs Dolts