• DallE@lemmings.worldB
      6 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A small, spiky hedgehog dressed in a sharp black tuxedo. It is standing on its hind legs, showcasing its tiny yet elegant suit. It also has a refined smoking pipe placed neatly between its lips, puffing away wisps of smoke. The dapper hedgehog seems to be attending a fancy event, joyfully showing off its attire in its natural woodland environment.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      5 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: In the style of Renaissance art, a scene depicting a woman who resembles famous figures in historic art, sitting calmly in a natural backdrop. A bowl of soup is in mid-air, splashing towards her as if it were thrown at her. She maintains her cryptic smile, somehow radiating an aura of tranquil grace even in these peculiar circumstances.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A timeless painting of a woman with a gentle and secretive smile, similar to the one in the famous piece often associated with Leonardo Da Vinci, sitting calmly on a wooden chair. She is surrounded by a backdrop of a meandering river, rolling hills, and a distant bridge. Unexpectedly, a torrent of soup comes flying towards her. The soup is mid-air, frozen in time, with brightly colored vegetables and noodle splashes apparent. The entire scene embodies a humorous and surprising twist on a classical piece of art.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A painting capturing a controversial scene. In the center, a woman bearing a subtle smile and wearing traditional Italian Renaissance garb similar to that worn by the subject of da Vinci’s renowned art piece. Around her, there are many reactions to a peculiar happening: a bowl of soup, mid-air, situated right in trajectory to splash her. The soup, a mix of vegetables and broth, spills forth from the bowl, frozen in time in this piece of art.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: An anonymous portrait of a woman, captured in a style reminiscent of Renaissance era, seated with an enigmatic smile on her face. She is wearing a garment with a delicate folded fabric collar, similar to those found in the 16th century. In the foreground, a bowl is mid-air, heading towards her. From the trajectory of the bowl, a stream of soup is trailing, aiming at the composed woman. The background is a serene, pastoral landscape sparsely populated with faintly perceived winding paths and distant blue hills under a serene sky.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      5 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A creature resembling a giant humanoid octopus, with a large, bulbous head resembling a mass of feelers, teaching a college class. The creature, despite its formidable and unconventional appearance, is wearing a tweed jacket with elbow patches, the typical attire of an academic, and holding a chalk in one of its tentacles. He is standing in front of a blackboard, energetically explaining some complex concept as the students listen in awe and curiosity.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      8 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: Create an illustration reminiscent of the late Renaissance period, incorporating the distinct use of perspective and detail seen in Leonardo da Vinci’s works before 1912. The iconic long table scene should be filled with individuals of ambiguous descent displaying expressions of outrage and disbelief. The focal point is a pizza positioned centrally on the table, adorned with a controversial topping: bright yellow pineapple chunks. Note that each individual’s descent should be diverse, with equal representation of Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Middle-Eastern, and South Asian origins. All figures present should have a facial expression reflecting their objection to the contentious pizza topping.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      6 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: Create a stunningly visual depiction of a complex digital concept. Imagine a data packet emerging from a detailed database, represented as a complex structure of interconnected cubes or spheres. The data packet, a vibrant luminous entity, is being transferred to a brilliantly illustrated app icon. Further, envision the packet traveling as a webhook - a streamlined arrow or comet streaming through a network of lines or nodes. This journey indicates intricate processes of data transfer in the world of programming.

        • DallE@lemmings.worldB
          6 months ago

          Here’s your image!

          AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

          The AI model has revised your prompt: Conceptualize an image of a communication process in the digital world. Visualize a cuboid-shaped data packet, glowing with a holographic blue hue, that is emerging from a detailed representation of a database, symbolized by a large cylinder filled with binary codes. It’s then received by an application icon represented by a bold, colorful square filled with abstract mobile app symbols. The data packet doesn’t stop there but continues its journey, turning into a captivating webhook symbol, which is characterized by two curved arrows forming a circle. This series of events effectively illustrates the process of data being transferred and used in different technological processes.

        • DallE@lemmings.worldB
          6 months ago

          Here’s your image!

          AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

          The AI model has revised your prompt: Design a detailed and vivid info-graphic showing a data packet emerging from a database symbol. The data packet then travels to a pictorial representation of a mobile application, indicating data transmission. Next, illustrate the packet continuing its journey, being sent off as a webhook. These components should be connected by a trajectory that symbolizes the data flow. The background is a faint network of binary digits to capture the digital nature of the process. All components stand out in bright, contrasting colors to differentiate the stages.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      1 month ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: Illustrate a highly dramatized scene depicting a nuclear plant incident. The nuclear power plant consists of large, cylindrical towers situated beside a river. Enveloping the towers is a thick, ominous plume of smoke rising skywards, painting an eerie atmosphere. Distant sirens echo amidst the unsettling silence. The river nearby reflects the unsettling grey against the orange-dusk skyline. Caution lights blink in rhythmic patterns, attempting to contain the escalating situation. Please showcase the scene maintaining a respectful tone, avoiding any explicit or graphic content.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      1 month ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A humanoid octopus-like creature, associated with the traits of the character Cthulhu from H.P. Lovecraft’s works, portrayed within the animation style of a popular, yellow-skinned, four-fingered cartoon series reminiscent of a long-running family show. The creature has two large, dragon-like wings sprouting from its back, a mass of wriggling tentacles instead of a face, and a bulky, human body. It is colored in pastel yellow with large, wide eyes and a few exaggerated expressions in the manner of the series’ characters.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      8 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A humorous image showing a pet chase scenario. A nimble, ginger-colored cat expertly leaps across neighborhood roofs in a daring escape. In hot pursuit, a black and white bulky dog belonging to a different breed looks hopelessly outmatched, struggling to keep up but determined nonetheless. The houses are of mottled brick and covered in creeper vines, against a backdrop of a clear, bright blue sky. The cat’s agility and grace contrast with the dog’s clumsy, yet earnest, attempts showcasing an illustrative, cartoon-like style.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      8 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A dramatic scene unfolds as a nimble, quick-footed cat with striped fur rapidly escapes from a chasing dog. The dog, displaying its rough, shaggy coat, determined eyes, and drooling maw, is seen persistently chasing the cat. The surrounding environment is an ordinary suburban backyard, filled with lush green grass and a tall wooden fence. The cat takes advantage of its agility and mounts a tree to evade its pursuer. The scene reflects tension, urgency, and the instinctual pursuit between two common household pets.

      • Link@lemy.lol
        8 months ago

        wow nice! cat has face like: why is this dog chasing me

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      8 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: Create a detailed still life image. The scene consists of an arrangement of common items. The dominant centerpiece is a carefully crafted origami representation of a jelly doughnut. The craft has great detailing, and closely mirrors the aesthetics of a real jelly doughnut. The deep brown of the fried dough, powder white of the dusted sugar, and vibrant red of the oozing jelly are all meticulously represented. The origami doughnut is surrounded by an assortment of other items which are unimportant but should add depth and realness to the scene.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      8 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: An interesting and unique scenario taking place in an imaginative culinary landscape. A hearse, typically a symbol of mourning and sadness, has been whimsically transformed into a giant sculpture made of ripe, yellow cheese - a delight to the cheese lovers everywhere. The traditional driver’s seat is occupied, not by a human, but by a fluffy white mouse. The mouse, standing confidently on two tiny legs, is rolling the vehicle forward, looking straight ahead with sparkly eyes.

        • DallE@lemmings.worldB
          8 months ago

          Here’s your image!

          AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

          The AI model has revised your prompt: Visualize an unusual scene depicting a hearse entirely fabricated from cheese. This quirky vehicle is being operated not by a human, but by a small white mouse. The mouse, exhibiting an intense level of intelligence, is at the steering wheel and actively operating the cheese hearse. This absurd scenario plays with the idea of scale, combining mundane reality with a pinch of fantasy.

        • DallE@lemmings.worldB
          8 months ago

          Here’s your image!

          AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

          The AI model has revised your prompt: Envision a peculiar scene set in a world of food. A defined rectangular hearse sculpted entirely out of yellow cheese, complete with intricately detailed wheels and windows, rests on a flat surface. Seated behind the wheel of this edible vehicle is its driver, a small white mouse, that curiously peers out of the vehicle with bright eyes. The mouse is dressed in a customary professional driver’s attire, complete with a small cap. The entire scene looks like it’s straight out of a whimsical fairytale.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      8 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: Imagine a fantastical creature, a unique blend of a ram and a fish. This creature would have the robust body of a ram, complete with its thick fur and curved, spiralling horns. Its lower half morphs seamlessly into the sleek, scaled body of a fish, complete with a powerful tail for swimming. Its eyes would have the intelligent gleam of a ram, and its mouth would take on piscine traits, perhaps suited for both grazing and swimming in aquatic environments. This ram-fish hybrid creature lives in an environment that is part grassy hills and part serene underwater world.

        • DallE@lemmings.worldB
          8 months ago

          Here’s your image!

          AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

          The AI model has revised your prompt: Imagine a mythological creature, a strange blend of two distinct realms of nature. The top half is a magnificent ram, robust and muscular, with spiraling horns growing out of its head. Its wool is thick and has shades of white and pale grey, looking soft even from afar. As for the lower half, it transforms abruptly into a fish, characterized by iridescent scales of a thousand colors, shimmering under an imagined sun. The fish part is complete with tail, making it seem as though the creature could easily navigate both land and water.

        • DallE@lemmings.worldB
          8 months ago

          Here’s your image!

          AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

          The AI model has revised your prompt: Imagine a mythical creature that represents an intriguing amalgamation of different biological realms. This animal bears the sturdy and muscular body of a mature ram, complete with a set of coiled, powerful horns and cloven hooves. Yet, it also boasts the scaly, iridescent skin of a vibrant fish, shimmering in several hues of blue and green. Its tail elegantly transforms into a sweeping fish tail, glistening as if fresh out of water. Combining elements of both terrestrial and aquatic life forms, it represents the collision of two contrasting environments in one magnificent creature.