Many people out there suggest doing CBT while taking antidepressants, but I don’t see what problems CBT could potentially cure for me. Anxiety? Fixed by drugs (or should be fixed), Depression? Fixed by drugs, and so on. If my drugs fails at fixing problems, there’s a good chance that drug dose should be adjusted or I need other drugs that’s simple. What’s the relevance of cbt here?

    11 months ago

    You can never know with 100% certainty what effect any treatment, be it drug or therapy, might have for you personally without trying it. If a lot of people say that something helped them, that doesn’t mean it will definitely help you too. Some people don’t benefit from therapy, some don’t benefit from drugs, some benefit from both, some from neither. There is unfortunately no way around trying different things and seeing what happens (unless a particular treatment concept doesn’t make sense to you from the beginning or even makes you uncomfortable - then you’re probably better off skipping it).