I’m in my first play through of Diablo 3 currently and I’m level 27. I have some OP rare items and they all regen my health so I can’t die. I’m wondering if keeping these on while I level up will stop my from getting better and better armor or weapons?

Like right have I have 33 rare armor pants but I have normal blue 76 armor ones. If I put on higher armor armor and weapons would I be getting higher level armor and weapons? Basically wondering if sticking with certain ones would hinder the loot

  • Spendies@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Honestly I feel like armor in D3 doesn’t matter too much while leveling. As long as you’re upgrading your weapons and damage stats you should be fine until at least close to max level. I’m sure you’ll find upgrades for those items along the way too. You can always stash other higher level items in case you start dying a lot for some reason.